Luca Vent

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since Dec 25, 2003
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Recent posts by Luca Vent

Originally posted by Joseph Zhou:
Sorry, something unclear my last post. the login still need to have some implementation becuase I assume the FFMS has single sign on. The followed question is for HTML solution: is the transaction broken/disconnected?

Hello! I think that FFM (Frequent Flyer Mileage System) doesn't require a secure connection (can someone else confirm this?). In fact in the "background" section there is written that TransMaster is used to process credit cards and it is used by the legacy system written in Cobol (to book airfares) and not by the FFM. Besides travel agents use a web interface to interface to the FFM system and there is no need to send secure data to get mileage information: in fact at this level TransMaster is not used. So I think we can build a new software layer (SL) that interface with the Cobol system and uses the new TransMaster API to process credit cards using a secure connection through Internet. You can assume that communication between the Cobol system and the SL is secure because they reside in the same Intranet. You can also use the standard https protocol
to send data from the user (client tier) and the web tier (where the web tier of the SL resides listening for incoming requests). You can easily interface the SL with the FFM system to get mileage information: also in this case FFM and SL reside in the same Internet and you can assume that communication is secure. I think this hint can be useful for you! :-)

Originally posted by Ramon Gill:
IMO you can change/create an interface without changing the system. With the right assumptions of course.


Sorry...but the interface is part of the system: if I change the interface (or I create a new one) I change also the system. Are you agree? Which type of assumptions could avoid this??

Originally posted by Ramon Gill:
Frequent Flyer System.


So if I understand well I can't change anything of FFS, web interface included. Am I right? But if I can't change it how can my new java application connect to the web interface of FFS and be able to retrieve data it needs (for example to get the points redeemed)?? As I told you I thought to the "screen scraping" solution, but in this way it is difficult to get the data present in the web pages returned using the web interface of FFS. Are you agree?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Originally posted by Ramon Gill:
Hi Luca,
From looking at other threads it seems you are pretty keen to get some answers ... so heres my views ...

1. replace
2. replace. You're right about FFN.
3. The assigment says the FFS must remain. It doesn't mention how you interface with it. That's up to you.


Thanks a lot for your help, but what dou you mean with "FFS"?

Hello D. Thang Vu,

First of all...congratulations for your great score in scea certification!!!

Can you give me some explanation about the assignment, please? I can't go on developing my project because I have understood some things...I have posted all my doubts in topic "HELP: travel agents and new java application":

Can you help me please?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Hello everybody!

I have found in this forum many references to the term "POJO" (Plain Old Java Object): what does it mean exaclty? It is a simple java class or what?
What is it useful for?

Thanks a lot!

Hello everybody,

First of all...congratulations James for your great score in scea certification!!! :-)

I can't go on developing my project because I have understood some
points of the assignement. I have posted my doubts in topic "HELP: travel agents and new java application":

Can someone help me please?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Hello everybody,

First of all...congratulations Alain for your great score in scea certification!!! :-)

I can't go on developing my project because I have understood some
points of the assignement. I have posted my doubts in topic "HELP: travel agents and new java application":

Can someone help me please?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Congratulations Rose for your great score in scea certification!!! :-)

I can't go on developing my project because I have understood some
points of the assignement. I have posted my doubts in topic "HELP: travel agents and new java application":

Can you help me please?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Hello everybody,

First of all...congratulations Aparna for your great score in scea certification (99%) !!! :-)

I can't go on developing my project because I have understood some
points of the assignement. I have posted my doubts in topic "HELP: travel agents and new java application":

Can someone help me please?

Thanks a lot in advance!!


I haven't understood some speficications of SCEA exam - part II:

1) Will the new java application for travel agents replace
the 3270 screens or not? I mean...when the java application is ready the travel agents will go on using the 3270 screens to access to the legacy system to book all airfares?

2)Must the old legacy system (to book airfares) written in Cobol remain or I can replace it with a new j2ee architecture? In fact reading the "background" section and the "interview" it seems to be required to mantain ONLY the "Frequent Flyer Mileage System" (FFN) I right?

3)About the java application required for travel agents: what is useful for if I can't replace the web interface written in perl/html/cgi of the FFN? I ask this because to write a new java application to access the content of the FFM makes sense only if I can access to the Oracle database of FFM without going on using the old web interface. In fact if I give to the travel agents this new java application to access the Oracle DB of FFM for what reason they should go on using the old web interface? This would make sense only if my java application connects to the FFM using the old web interface: this means to use a screen-scraping solution but in this way I can't distinguish the data type being retrieved and this is what I absolutely need (for example to get the points redeemed)!!

Thanks a lot in advance everybody!


Originally posted by Sudhansu Pati:

I have understood what you say but there is a problem: if I write a java
application to access the content of the FFM this means that I can access to the Oracle database of FFM without going on using the web interface of FFM written in perl/cgi/html of FFM. Are you agree?

I don't agree. FBN requires to use the FFM system as it is. You can't rewrite it.

In fact if I give to the travel agents this new java application to access the Oracle DB of FFM for what reason they should go on using the old web interface? This would make sense only if my java application connects to the FFM using the old web interface: this means to use a screen-scraper solution but in this way I can't distinguish the data type being retrieved and this is what I absolutely need (for example, as you say, to get the points redeemed)!! Can you help me in this sense? I am driving crazy to understand this point! Thanks a lot in advance!

Perl and CGI don't require a screen-scraper. CGI understands HTTP. You can write a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) and make HTTP call to the FFM.

I have three questions:

1) What do you meanx exactly with "POJO"? A simple java class?
2) Do I have the specifcations of the FFM system? I I know the format of the request (for example which parameters to send) and of the response when I call the FFM system throung HTTP? And...above all...given that I receive an html page from FFM as response (in fact the FFM system has a web interface) how could I read the data contained in it (I should know the exact format of the html page returned for every request)?
3) Did you hand in your project and have it marked?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

I haven't understood some speficiations of SCEA exam - part II:

1) Will the new java application for travel agents replace
the 3270 screens or not? I mean...when the java application is ready the travel agents will go on using the 3270 screens to access to the legacy system to book all airfares?

2)Must the old legacy system (to book airfares) written in Cobol remain or I can replace it with a new j2ee architecture? In fact reading the "background" section and the "interview" it seems to be required to mantain ONLY the "Frequent Flyer Mileage System" (FFN) I right?

3)About the java application required for travel agents: what is useful for if I can't replace the web interface written in perl/html/cgi of the FFN? I ask this because to write a new java application to access the content of the FFM makes sense only if I can access to the Oracle database of FFM without going on using the old web interface. In fact if I give to the travel agents this new java application to access the Oracle DB of FFM for what reason they should go on using the old web interface? This would make sense only if my java application connects to the FFM using the old web interface: this means to use a screen-scraping solution but in this way I can't distinguish the data type being retrieved and this is what I absolutely need (for example to get the points redeemed)!!

Thanks everybody in advance!

Originally posted by zheng shu:

Talking about "requirement" here
"place the customer on hold" means that the agent has to hold
the customer on the phone (playing music to them and moves
to the shared computer to work with the FFM system, getting
the points redeemed. That is what it means. So you see, here
it is a manual process. You new system is supposed to automate
the process.

You can not change the protocol used by FFM because that is
the requirement that FFM remains unchanged. I can only tell
you (otherwise, it will be removed that FFM talks only HTTP
and that is what language your system has to talk in. How awkard
it is, that is the sole language it understands.

I have understood what you say but there is a problem: if I write a java
application to access the content of the FFM this means that I can access to the Oracle database of FFM without going on using the web interface of FFM written in perl/cgi/html of FFM. Are you agree? In fact if I give to the travel agents this new java application to access the Oracle DB of FFM for what reason they should go on using the old web interface? This would make sense only if my java application connects to the FFM using the old web interface: this means to use a screen-scraper solution but in this way I can't distinguish the data type being retrieved and this is what I absolutely need (for example, as you say, to get the points redeemed)!! Can you help me in this sense? I am driving crazy to understand this point! Thanks a lot in advance!
Does anybody know what type of questions you must answer to in part III of SCEA exam? I mean...are the questions specific on the project of part II you have handed in or they are more general and deal with the general topic
of the J2EE technlogies and architectures (like part I)?
Thanks a lot in advance!
P.S: I know that who passed SCEA exam can't tell me the exact questions he had to answer: for this reason I asked only the general arguments they are based on!