Xie Ruchang

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since Dec 25, 2003
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Recent posts by Xie Ruchang

// Ping.java
// import java.lang.annotation.*; NOT NECESSARY
// import java.lang.reflect.*; NOT NECESSARY
public class Ping {
public @Remote void ping() {

// Remote.java
public @interface Remote {


Compile the above two files Ping.java and Remote.java. Please
20 years ago

Any idea where Eclipse 3 SWT Examples can be downloaded?

Best Regards,

All annotations must be defined using @interface like

public @interface annotationname {


In your example, you annotate as @remote. This must not be confused with the interface java.rmi.Remote. You do not need to import java.rmi.*.

You should have a file remote.java and inside

public @interface remote {


In another file when you annotated with the remote tag. The compiler will look for the above.

Bear in mind you deviated from the normal java convention of naming classes with capital letters. You know Java is case-sensitive

[ July 02, 2004: Message edited by: Frankie Cha ]
20 years ago

Does anybody know any limitation of the version of PointBase which is shipped with the SUN J2EE 1.4 RI PE 8

Best Regards and Thanks
Hi Santosh Ram,

You need an additional java source file named remote.java.

Inside you should have

Compile these two files and bingo!

Best Regards
20 years ago
Hi Pho Tek,

Just a comment on idempotent and stateless. Suppose I write a webservice to return the current time. It is stateless but not idempotent. But if a service return the sum of two number, then it is stateless and idempotent.

Best Regards,
20 years ago

You may consider this book J2EE Web Services by Richard Monson-Haefel. Those ranchers in Web Services certification are using this.

Best Regards,
20 years ago
Hi Thomas

The Middleware Company recently has published online the SOA Blueprints Specification, Draft 0.4 (For Public Review). It is a set of interconnected applications demonstrating the Bluepirnts and Best Practices for SOA. It is 138 pages long and is available here.

What do you think about such document? Is this blueprint similiar to your field guide described in your book?

Thanks and Best Regards,
20 years ago
The following quote is found in the editorial review of Service-Oriented Architecture: A Field Guide to Integrating Xml and Web Services
by Thomas Erl,

The emergence of key second-generation Web services standards has positioned service-oriented architecture (SOA) as the foremost platform for contemporary business automation solutions. The integration of SOA principles and technology is empowering organizations to build applications with unprecedented levels of flexibility, agility, and sophistication (while also allowing them to leverage existing legacy environments).

I would like to invite Thomas to comment on what will constitute the 2.5 or 3rd generation Web Services and what impact it will have on the SOA and the industry? What would be the situation for companies who are lacking behind in the adoption of SOA?

[ June 16, 2004: Message edited by: Frankie Cha ]
20 years ago

Please share your approach in tackling the assignment.
Hi Yogesh,

You have to send them an email and explain your case. In my case, I work for a polytechnic and I was evaluating the software to be used for teaching. I am not pleased with the expensive ones like Rose and Together. So they give me a 30days unlimited evaluation key.

Magic Draw is available for download at http://www.magicdraw.com

Best Regards,
Hi Ranchers,

I like to find out what would be the next generation of Web Services like? You may talk about the current limitations of the present generation of Web Services and predict how it will be like when the technology matures.

A few areas I could think of will be security and distributed transactions. Perhaps, also on the improvement of performance over the wire, etc. Any thoughts will be much appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
20 years ago