Jack Zhou

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since Dec 27, 2003
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Recent posts by Jack Zhou

Hi Authers,
Say if I want to read pages of two different website asynchronously. Can you show some code to illustrate the typical Netty way?
You can still have an inner class extends an outer class with all contructor being private. So the answser is 1. Is it a bad question?
Thanks Dan, I will jump into that forum.
Applet may be not a popular topic in this forum. However, can any one help me aobut how to configure the applet so that it will disallow the call from a java script. I undertand now applet has the same seucrity model as a standalone app. It is user's enviromnet security configuarion that controle the security settings for any applet running in the client's browser. But I hope there is a way to remove persmissions from applet as this is towards the safe side. I read from some other forum, that in plun-in model(vs browser's jvm), it is no longer possible to call applet method from a java script.
Can any one suggests some resource on this issue?

there is still a very small chance that two thread will both get a false value for the flag

My above statment was wrong as I miss read the synchronized key word. However, it is better statically invoke the logic of initLap instead of calling them in init() mehtod because then you don't need synchronize the method.
I think there is still a very small chance that two thread will both get a false value for the flag. so both thread will go a head call initLap(). However, if you configure your web app so that the servlet is loaded when server is staring up. It is gurranteed that the init() method will be called while no other thread is looking at the flag.

[ EJFH: Edited for format so page width won't be so wide. ]
[ July 06, 2004: Message edited by: Ernest Friedman-Hill ]
I was trying find out why some of the system property I set get reseted.
20 years ago
I have set a system property same named, say , key via System.setProperty() call. But some how it is reset by some code out of my control. I wonder is there a way I can detect the change of this property. For example, is there any event I can catch when certain property values get reset.
20 years ago
I was looking for a class like Url and HttpsURLConnection to make a HTTP request via proxy server. No sucess. Can any body give any clue?
20 years ago
Hi Richard,
I am unable to find out relevant discussions in Basic Profile Version 1.0 that can support the following claim in your post:

the WS-I BP clearly prohibits this so if an input and output have a part with the same name, they must be the same type

Could you possibly give me a clue either as form of the requirement statement number or cut and paste some text from Basic Profile Version 1.0? Am I looking at wrong document?
I appreicate your help very much.