frisode jonge

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since Dec 30, 2003
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Recent posts by frisode jonge

Hi Jeanne,

Thanks for explaining the rules, but I am not that bothered of being eligible for the draw. I think Pete has written a good book, and I will take a look in the bookshops when available.

Kind regards, and all the best to Pete,

Hi Pete,

Thanks, the chapter looks nice, just read parts of it. Obviously my attention went to search for code examples. Do other chapters have more examples. Reason asking is some parts in this chapter handle the reporting of issues. This works fine in our organisation. It would just be nice to see a bit more in practical code examples what I can do to prevent the issues.

Hi Pete,

I just read the reviews, and it seems quit a good book. Can you show us where to find the tables of contents ?

Hi Bruno,
I have used (and promoted) itext on several projects. Indeed, it gives speed and flexibility to the pdf's. The only drawback has been that the documentation was not finished, so I am actually glad you did finish it and even published it as a book. Good luck on sales !

take a look at session listeners which can do something when you are logged out due to inactivity. You can have them send an email for instance, or do other cleaning up on the server.
But like marc says, a push to the client, no not as far as i know.

20 years ago
like marc says, create a custom tag.

first in your action, you call a helper which goes to the database and creates the vector (hmm, still jvm 1.1 ?). Then save the vector in the request and have the action map to a jsp page (like normal struts)

second, create a custom tag which has input of a vector and which creates html as output.

Then in the jsp page call the tag at the appropriate place and display the menu the way you want. plenty of examples around. If you need javascript have a tag that creates the javascript for you dynamically, again having a vector as input.

20 years ago
check if your actionform is maintained by the sessionscope instead of requestscope.

also, frames are evil.
maybe try tiles, which in your case keeps all data in one actionform.
20 years ago
i am just wondering why nobody brought this topic up in the book discussion. What could be the synergy, or problems with both these topics. Is that written in the book ?
20 years ago
come on guys, two authors together !! that must be synergy !!
20 years ago
is this component discussed in the book ?
if this is addressed to the author, he may well have difficulty to answer this since he is probably not the writer of the components, he merely does a good job explaining what you can do with them.
However it is good to bring this question to his attention, he may have a specific view on them.....

Won't using of such external tools create dependencies? One of the most frequent complaints against our competetors and our strength is that we do leave any foot prints on customer's machines ( nothing to be installed on client machines to run our applications). Will that have to be compromized if we start using external tools?

dont worry about dependencies too much since you are probably using windows anyway. ;-)
Technically speaking you are not installing on client machines. (its a jar not a dll) You are using it on the server. You have installed a particular version of java, is that a dependency ? You have installed an IDE, so dont worry.
even if you are not using struts as mvc model, you can still use the struts taglibs. (and the jars obviously)

The Other Projects chapter looks at DbUtils, Codec, JXPath and Discovery.

what are codec or discovery in this case ?
Links are just fine, i am wondering what it is

. When come to deployment, what are some tips for version control
>>> Version control should not be very difficult as fortunately most components have the version number as part of the jar file name. Also older versions of a component can be easily downloaded from the Jakarta site.

I agree with having jar files under version control, however it is a pain when jar files have different names. e.g. when having the a version number attached to the jar.
1. if you dont have a version number then you can have it under real version control and check in a new version, promote or label it and all dependencies are fine. Downside to this approach is that you cannot see which version of the jar you are using. e.g. log4j_28.jar or log4j_27.jar since both files will be renamed/checked in and promoted as log4j.jar.
2. If you are using a version number in the jar file, be aware that you have to check in a new file, label or promote it, then make sure you do not label or promote the old one and make sure the dependencies in your projects are still ok e.g. in meta-inf directory files.
so yes you need to have the files in version control, but there are several ways to do it, all with downsides to them.