Joy Jade

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At the bank I worked with, was also using OS/2. Internet access was prohibited.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Sherban D:
Hi Guys,
I want to get a s/w engineering job in the financial sector. There's a Catch-22 about this field that�s difficult to overcome. Financial companies are adamant about having previous financial experience. Obtaining financial experience without previous financial experience, however, remains an elusive endeavor. How do I solve this Catch-22?
I'm a mid-level engineer with four years of Java experience. I have diverse experience in healthcare, education, and music industry sectors. What skill sets distinguish "financial" s/w engineering from �regular� s/w engineering? Any advice would be helpful.

I started my career as a Systems Analyst / programmer at a financial institution and lasted for 4 yrs. You could probably try to look for Systems analyst/ Systems support jobs in a banking institution first.
If it's really tough to get an SA job, maybe try tellering / accounting jobs for a few months then you would know if there's an internal hiring at the IT group in that bank. This way, you have gained even a bit of financial exposure and already knew by then about business flow/process in a financial environment.
Send me a private message when things work out if you try this approach. Good luck!
[ March 23, 2004: Message edited by: Joy Jade ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by fred snow:
i just switch to comcast lately, sometimes i got a little small trouble: when i open a web browser, an error message comes up, asking me whether to retry or stay offline, after i click retry, i get connected, everything is ok. but it is kind of weired to me. :roll:

I'm a comcast cable internet user, I don't encounter that problem. Your browser probably is set to "Work Offline" in the File menu, that is why you encounter that.
20 years ago
Thank you very much for the info, Ellen
20 years ago
That's not fair. Can the employees sue their employer there in India because of it? Would it take a long long time to get justice for that?
20 years ago
Is there H1-B in India too?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Matt Cao:

Never been there, people I deal with usually want something from me. Probably, it affects my judgement. I guess you're right but why on earth they keep come to US and even Taiwan looking for jobs. Why their fellow countrymen not create a liveable environment for the people to live?

It's not only filipinos who come to US or Taiwan looking for jobs for a much higher salary. People from different countries also do that. Filipinos are intelligent enough to compete globally.
Who ever told you that Philippines is not a liveable environment? If that's the case, then many already died in Philippines, lol.
[ February 18, 2004: Message edited by: Justine Jade ]
20 years ago
No replies? I guess you didn't, huh?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Matt Cao:
I do not think Philippine is the next target even thought, 80% Filippino do speak English and poor. Philippine is an unstable country. Her educational system do not produce many intellectual class member."

Have you tried working, studying, and living in Philippines long enough to arrive at this conclusion? Well, I did, that's why I said you have a wrong impression
[ February 18, 2004: Message edited by: Justine Jade ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by Matt Cao:
I do not think Philippine is the next target even thought, 80% Filippino do speak English and poor. Philippine is an unstable country. Her educational system do not produce many intellectual class member."

You seem to have a very wrong impression of the Philippines. Where did you get the idea that her educational system do not produce many intellectual class member?
Indeed India's fear is real because Filipinos are very competitive and intelligent. Actually, they are parallel with India already when it comes to outsourcing.
Philippines is not an unstable country. The political scene there doesn't really affect business deals with multinational companies.
[ February 18, 2004: Message edited by: Justine Jade ]
20 years ago
what can he do about the issue of outsourcing?
21 years ago
Companies who outsource only sees the advantage of saving more money. They forget about security of their data that could destroy their business. I guess when news like these becomes rampant, this will help the jobs come back.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Rob Aught:

One thing that always bugs me about the US. We always have to take it to extremes and mess things up royally before we figure out how to do it right. We weren't always like this, where did we go wrong?
I keep hoping some common sense will kick in and a balance will be achieved. With companies defending rampant outsourcing on one side and people screaming for protectionism on the other, I don't see much hope of a balance being struck without some serious harm being done first.

If no companies are listening to the people's cries for protectionism, let the serious harm be done as soon as possible then, so that change for the better of the US economy and it's people will also come after.
[ February 10, 2004: Message edited by: Justine Jade ]
21 years ago
Accounting is an older profession than programming and has been also long been introduced in some highschool and in other college courses not geared towards Accounting career (example: Computer Science).
Even if it has long been long introduced, that position has never been eliminated in the companies today.
Therefore, I don't think programming is a dying profession.
21 years ago