Jeffrey Schmitt wrote:Seems a bit round-about
so I sort of feel like just using my own binary search was better
but maybe the Collections search is optimized beyond what a Java programmer could do.
kaden welch wrote:but i dont know what he means with 2 modifcations
Prajakta Acharya wrote:
Firstly,I am an experienced Java developer who has extensively worked on various development projects and I have consistently proved my development abilities.
I have worked on many new frameworks which were new to me and have enough confidence that I can grasp new things on job.
Secondly, I am already employed and was preparing for a client evaluation.
In my opinion, it is not always possible to have hands on on each and every framework and there is first time for everything. That should not stop you from aspiring for a good project.
It is the responsibility of the employee to keep sharpening the saw, as far as technology is concernced and I am already aware of these things.
Shelby Simpson wrote:I was wondering why it would matter if I put public or private in front of a static method or variable. There a class variable and method so does it matter?
Sur Chawla wrote:What will happen if I have a return statement at the end of try block if
1)there is an exception?
2)there is no exception?
jv patel wrote:Hello everyone,
in the code, why using double sync check on map instead of using enum for singleton design pattern
Matthew Brown wrote:
Stephen Black wrote:The bitwise operator can solve the problem
if ((number & 1)==1)
You can do that, but it's a method that will be less familiar to most people, especially beginners. I'd suggest if (number % 2 == 1)
Ryan Cridelich wrote:I'm confused as to why I need to list those variables there to begin with, or what their purpose is supposed to be,
It just says that the actual and formal argument lists differ in length. What is says is required is String, and four doubles, but found nothing.
Ryan Cridelich wrote:
I have all of those variable initialized at the top of that class.
Krishna Chhabra wrote:Not able to understand exactly that what does (this) means in below code
Mauro Trevigno wrote:
if(Day == 1 || Day == 7)
Chris Bremer wrote:In my Cattle Drive OOP-3 method LastNameCompare, I implement Comparator yet I don't override the equals(object obj) method. I am referencing a java book that says when you implement an interface, all methods associated with it must be overriden...can anyone clarify this for me?