venkatesh rajmendram

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Recent posts by venkatesh rajmendram

Hey Andrew and Jennifer,

I am planning to write PMP...your book will be helpful. I am on javaranch since 7 years...I am thinking of PMP now...well lets see how it goes...

your book will be definitely helpful....

Congrats Mike...
17 years ago

I am in similar situation as Erik, I was planning to use JMS point to point or MQ and have Message driven bean process and update database where user can go and check the status and if completed result...I was wondering how was your experience, and anybody else can add their experience that would be great input for my decisions...

Hi ,

I was wondering if there are any open source frameworks avaiable for reports. We are using websphere app server. Need to have asynchronous and synchronous reports...and possible if framework supports batch it would be awsome.


When ear file is imported as binary and when the server is started I get the error message

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.bla.bal...EJSStateless_we_99988

Which is essentially the error message when RMIC code is not generated.

So Why do we get this error if we import ear as binary ? since in binary we cannot generate RMIC ? and the ear that I am importing is from a product and we do not have access to the code ...

Any idea is appreciated.

-Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago
The imported_classes are created on top of the classes being imported into other folder e.g com.test.pack1 has MyJava.class and again has imported_classes folder which has com.test.pack1 has MyJava.class
I was wondering why two times ?
20 years ago
We have bought a product and there is additional custom development to be done to this product, the custom developed code goes as a jar inside the product. We are using WSAD5.1.2 for development, We get the .ear file from the vendor which has only class files not .java,

I actually imported this ear into WSAD, I notice that WSAD creates folder under it WAR called imported_classes why does it do that ? and when exported as ear this folder goes of.

Now second thing is I am working on writing ANT to build the ear from the imported ear onto wsad, the same file structure is present on verion control tool , since we need a common build environment for developers. The structure on version control also has imported_classes, now when we package the war where should the contents of imported_classes folder go ? or should I just ignore it....

I appreciate your insight...

- Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago
Made decision to go with ANT...that way could do checkstyle and junit and other stuff too...

I wish there was a plugin in WSAD which had a front end to do this...

I guess I am too ambitious
[ November 08, 2004: Message edited by: venkatesh rajmendram ]
20 years ago

We have a situation where a we need to have our development project(WAR) needs to be put into a product (which we brought and only have class files) (EAR).

The development team has to test their development of war by putting into ear, Is there a automated process to do this, like we have update zip for jar ?

20 years ago
Awsome!! Thanks.

I have not digged deep yet, But from the first glance it did not show me how do we integrate these menus with Struts Action or mapping...can you please tell me if these are some where in documentation...

Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago
Hi ,

I was wondering what is the best way to create Menu for navigation for e.g in the home page ? when using Struts tags...

1) If we make all of them as submit buttons and use dispatch action - then we need to have these methods in all the actions....I am not sure this is good way ....? or is there some other way

<html:submit name="create">SAVE AS NEW</html:submit>

name attribute is not available in html:submit so the text on the menu should be same as method in the action

as given in I am not sure "name"is deprecated...

2) Make them as links - then anybody can give little insight

More over if we have MyHomePage.jsp constituting of


How best can we have navigation logic if it is going to be on all the pages of the application....

Any thoughts...or Ideas...

- Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago
well I set the prepared statement cache to 0 in datasource setting, the error is gone.

But this is not a solution...the very purpose of using preparedstatement is kind of defeated since there is no caching....I guess there must be some other solution which I am not aware of or patch should be supplied by IBM WSAD group...

I guess MySql has nothing against DB2...There is a bigger fish to fry Oracle!!

- Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago

I am using MySql and WSAD 5.1.2 , when I use the prepared statement I get the following error

java.sql.SQLException: Parameter with index of 1 is not set.

Has anyone encountered this and if anyone knows anything please let me know.

somebody has reported bug to ibm but it is for WAS and not WSAD...

Kyle can you please help ??

Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago
Thanks for information Carol...Looks like that is the direction of Struts tag lib...I think it is good to start using JSTL right away instead of struts tags, so that it will be fully supported by struts 2.0 and also it is easy to convert from 1.x to struts 2.x

- Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago

I was wondering about this on the apache strurs site.

"Note: - Some of the features in this taglib are also available in the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL). The Struts team encourages the use of the standard tags over the Struts specific tags when possible. "

They encourage to use JSTL rather that struts tags, does that hint future ?

Any thoughts...

- Venkatesh Rajmendram
20 years ago