Hi ,
I was wondering what is the best way to create Menu for navigation for e.g in the home page ? when using Struts tags...
1) If we make all of them as submit buttons and use dispatch action - then we need to have these methods in all the actions....I am not sure this is good way ....? or is there some other way
<html:submit name="create">SAVE AS NEW</html:submit>
name attribute is not available in html:submit so the text on the menu should be same as method in the action
as given in
http://husted.com/struts/tips/012.html I am not sure "name"is deprecated...
2) Make them as links - then anybody can give little insight
More over if we have MyHomePage.jsp constituting of
How best can we have navigation logic if it is going to be on all the pages of the application....
Any thoughts...or Ideas...
- Venkatesh Rajmendram