Alexis Sumalpong

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since Jan 06, 2004
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Recent posts by Alexis Sumalpong

New release of DevCentre IDE for Tomcat 4.x & 5.x

Download sites:

javascript: x()
javascript: x()
19 years ago
The easiest way is to use and IDE that is meant for web app development. It should have all the libraries needed. For Tomcat, use this simple IDE
20 years ago

Originally posted by s choukse:
I agree that JBuilder 9 is an extreamly good and efficient IDE but in my opinion for start IDE like IntelliJ Idea(not free) or NetBeans(free) will be better.

I use NetBeans for GUI-related projects and generic stuff. Eclipse for some other stuff. Likha DevCentre for Java web apps using Tomcat.
I use Suse 9 on my laptop and a webserver. My 2 kids ( 5 and 6 yrs old ) use also Suse 9 on their desktops.
20 years ago
You can read this doc about using Tomcat Manager:
You can use an IDE that interfaces with Tomcat Manager so you can do its functions automatically from the IDE itself by just clicking buttons. Download the demo version ( from here
20 years ago
Use "Likha Devcentre" to compile.
Put your JavaBeans in the proper package in /classes
Put you JSP file somewhere in /src
Then compile your JSP

Originally posted by Sean Casey:
I'm having trouble with class not found exceptions in netbeans. I can set up a project with servlets and jsp's fine, but when I create another class and then create a new object of that class inside a jsp, I get a class not found exception. Where do I add these plain java classes so that the jsp will find them on compilation?

Use "Likha Devcentre". You can control your Tomcat webapp from the IDE itself!

Originally posted by PALANI KUMART:
Never mind .....I stopped and started the Tomcat and everything is working fine. Even my calemdar update is working .....Cool ......
Now do we have to start and stop the Tomcat every time we start a new project in the Eclipse IDE ?!!!

20 years ago
For JSP/Servlets I prefer "Likha DevCentre" ... it controls Tomcat from the IDE.

Originally posted by Zulfikar Dharmawan:
Hi all,
Does anyone know any plugin for Eclipse for JSP editor? Well, couple of features needed are code completion and syntax highlighting.
Thanks before

Download "Likha DevCentre" from
Control your Tomcat web app remotely and securely from anywhere in the Internet using your IDE.
Interfaces with Tomcat manager so that the developer can deploy, undeploy, start, stop, reload, unwar files on the server by just clicking buttons on the IDE.
Single click to send (SSH not FTP) a web archive or other web app files to the server.
Single click to create a web archive.
Pre-organized file structure for web app projects.
Extendable template-based system for creating JSP or other application files everything. Developers can create their own templates or replace whatever comes with the IDE as default.
20 years ago
You might want to look at JSP Taglibs.

Originally posted by prashu bk:
Hi Friends,
I know Java code can be embeded in JSP page.My doubt is can we embed Java code in XML as we do it in HTML.May be a silly question but i'm the beginner
thanx in advance

20 years ago
Tomcat on linux [non-responsive advert elided]
That's a great pair to get web apps working.
[ January 06, 2004: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
20 years ago
Try using "Likha DevCentre". It makes it simple to do that. Download from
[link that starts a download without user intervention elided]

Originally posted by Murasoli Maran:
Hi all,
can anybody tell me how to deploy a .war file(containes JSP and XML) in the web?.i am using mySQL as the database. and database script is not included in .war file.
which properties i have to change?.in both database and JSP(example river info)?.
anyone experienced please tell me the practical conciderations should be made for deploying web application( esp: war).
thanks in advance.

[ January 06, 2004: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
20 years ago
What IDE do you recommend for easy JSP/Servlet development?
By the way I use Tomcat.
20 years ago