Anand Joshi

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since Dec 06, 2000
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Please make sure
1. Field 'HIGHEST' exists in table STK_DETAIL
2. There are some records in the in the table STK_DETAIL which matches the selection criteria
Here I found interesting thing in the selection criteria
(STK_ID = '" + f2 + "'")
what is f2 doing?
I think you need to create PreparedStatement and you need to use
setString method to provide values of f2.
I hope it will help.
3. Make sure there are records in the resultset.
Hi Shree,
It seems there is not problem with youe JDBC driver but the problem is with you windows registry.
Best way is to uninstall and then reinstall JDK1.3 but if it does not help then you need to fiddle with you windows registry.
run regedit. You will get interface similar to windows explorer.
there you can edit the registry.
I think by just correcting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER will help.
Goto HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\javasoft\java plugin\java runtime version. make sure value 1.3 s specified for it if not so correct it.
Now goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\javasoft\java runtime environment. (Stop there do not goto next level. Next level you will find multiple versions like 1.1, 1.2,1.3etc.) And check for the kay value current value. Make sure it is 1.3.
If it is not then first check whether in next level 1.3 is there. And if it is there then change the value of
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\javasoft\java runtime environment to 1.3
in the next level i.e.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\javasoft\java runtime environment\1.3
makesure corect paths are specified for Runtime lib.
Iknow it is pretty confusing but you need to be brave and do it your self. I have done it once without any problem.
So try it. Good Luck
Truly speaking JDBC is very short and simple.
You just have to register the JDBC Driver, make the connection, prepae the SQL statement, execute the query and process the results.
You can further shorten the process by not using prepared statement. And if you are updating the database then you do not have to precess the results.
It's very simple. So just find the corresponding methods( from JDBC Tutorial) for each step And GO AHEAD.
I am assuming that you are already familier with SQL.
So Leave the tension and be happy.
Thanks a lot friends.
Currently I am using SELECT COUNT(*)... method to count the records.
Now I got the new tip i.e. checking the lat row of the resultset.
I will try that method and will check which onw is optimum.
Once again Thanks a lot for your reply.
Is there any way to count the number of records in Record Set?
Currently I am reading all the records one by one and counting them, which is very time consuming process.
I have an option of using Java Tool box for AS/400. Will it help me in this regard?
Yes! Speed is the most important factor. And also I found that native JDBC drivers to be more flexible and poweful that JDBC-ODBC Bridge
JBuilder 4.0 allwos me to debug programs which are already developed using JBuilder.. How can I put my programs in JBuilder project?
I found that in Forte we can load Java classes but I tried to debug thm but it gave me compilation error saying main class not found.
Please Friends. Help me....
Hi Friends,

I want to debug some of Java Sample programs (Which comes with JDK).
I have Forte CE 2.0 and JBuilder Foundation 4.0.. And I am not much used to them..
Problem which I am facing is. How can I debug those programs in one of those IDE's
If its possible to debug those without modifying or redesigning them in those IDE's, then it will be great help for me..
Can any one help me by giving procedure to do so...
Thanks in advance
Hi Ramesh,
I am new in this JAVA world. So can you please give me the full forms of JLS and RHE?
[This message has been edited by Anand Joshi (edited December 20, 2000).]
24 years ago