jim ke

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since Jan 08, 2004
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Recent posts by jim ke

Multipart form reading :
I've been using
import com.oreilly.servlet.*;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.*;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.MultipartParser;
You can download it. ( forgot the url).
You're also supposed to buy the book - it will be in the liscense.
It's a good book to have even if ya don't use the classes.
When you have an entity bean that is backed by more than one table, you can use Bean Managed Persistence instead of Container Managed Persistence to keep the object's portability between app servers.
It's likley that you'll want to write your own database table access logic anyway. You'd likely want to return something, ( message, etc..), when you have a parent table record with no corresponding child table record.
Hi :
Read the table of contents & some of the descriptions. The book sounds more like a programmer's guide than a DBA's guide.
Are they trying to encompass things like replication rules, service levels, access rights, and backup rules into the objects at the system design time ?
Hi :
I'm confused. Does Jrun4's native web server, not the web server connector, work with SSL ? If so, can someone post sample config info ?
seems like it ought to handle ssl ???
seems like it doesn't.
The jrun4 install guide shows how to configure it with an external webserver.
I expect that it can be made to function with the internal seb server because the admin tool has check boxes to handle it. I think that all I need is info on configuring jrun.xml in the SERVER-INF directory.
Anyone have experience with this ?