Abdulla Mamuwala

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since Jan 09, 2004
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Recent posts by Abdulla Mamuwala

Thanks Campbell. Yes, the code change I suggested would give an error. The compiler would be unable to see the return statement, and it would complain . I failed to notice this when I suggested the code chnage. Also, as Campbell pointed out this is not the most appropriate and structured way of writing code. Nikita, sorry for the confusion.
16 years ago
Don't understand your question completely. Could you let us know the error message you are getting.
Well, I think you could do without creating an Account object in your findAccount() method. I guess, you could simplify your code to something shown below,

hope it helps.
16 years ago
I do not have this book, but I suppose the answer to your problem could be found in the following tutorial on static variables,


Have a look at the bicycle example and see how the numberOfBicycles static variable is used. I hope this helps.
16 years ago
Thanks Stan, for this very sound advice, this technique has helped me plenty during coding, in the past. My thesis was based on a paper "Breaking a complex system into its subsystems' which followed a similar approach that a complex system can be simplified if you can break it up into its subsystems and measure the interactions between those subsystems this paper was written by Roger C. Conant.
17 years ago
hey Steve could you please tell a bit more in detail what exactly you are trying to accomplish. What Jenn explained was a typical front-end development scenerio.
Are you trying to grab information from the input box, do some processing on it and display the result to the user in the same input box ?
17 years ago
i guess the answer to your question might be

The serialization interface has no methods or fields and serves only to identify the semantics of being serializable.

, the above I found from the following URL SUN
17 years ago
may be your solution is in this article Java World. good luck!
17 years ago

9 person software company

300 customers in 31 countries

sounds interesting. Looks like a lot of work ahead, an H1B, nice
How much experience do you require ?
17 years ago
thanks Fred, I guess I need to do some independent research as well.
17 years ago
Stan, please could you explain

assures one instance per class loader instead of one instance per JVM

17 years ago
Do you have the SCJP book by Kathy and Bert, may be go through it that could help you in the interview for a Jr. Java programmer because I guess it covers most of the basics. Try googling for Java interview questions and I think you would get a good idea of what they expect.
Have you tried contacting them in an effort to know what they expect. Anyways, good luck and let us know what you were finally up against.
Don't worry be happy
17 years ago
This is a broad question. The company should provide their requirements. In the general case the company advertizes their requirements and if you think you match up to the requirements you apply for the job.
17 years ago
Will you sponsor an H1. Thanks
17 years ago
how about the JAX-B API. You have the schema with you now you can generate the XML document.
hey Richard, I started out with Head First EJB with absolutely no EJB experience. It was fun to read and never required any other reference book. After having some experience with EJB's now I still feel its one of the best books on EJB and refer to it quite often. The diagrams make it easy and fun to read. But thats just me!!!