Joe Jose

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I am getting the exception ADBException:Unexpected subelement Code.
I am using Axis2 1.4 to generate stub and handler.
Can anyone able to give me an idea why this happens ?

16 years ago
Thanks Ulf,

I am reading the documentation of axis and web services. I think I am lacking knowledge of basic web service.
Thanks for your help. I will be here again with some other doubts with this.

Very thoughtful of you,
[ May 27, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
16 years ago

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
What does "I couldn't get" mean? What happened?

Hi Ulf,

Sorry that I am not fully understand how to use web service (Avis/jwsdp).
I have got an existing complex project. Axis says to use our own application just to copy the jars and web.xml from axis. But I don't know how to use it with WSDL2Java tool with Axis.
As I mentioned earlier Clarity gives a wsdl url as 'http://<servername ort>//wsdl' . How can I write a java class ? Can you please a bit more clear for me ? Since I am new to this web services, experience difficulty in understanding things.Since I am working alone, that adds my time to sort things in time.

Thank you very much,
16 years ago

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Since the text explicitly mentions Axis, I'd use that instead of JWSDP. Point its wsdl2java tool at the WSDL given in the text, and you'll end up with a bunch of Java classes you can use to implement a Java client for the web service.



I couldn't get the url displayed if I give this 'http://<servername ort>//wsdl'(given the correct server and port) url on the browser's address bar. Should it supposed to give the wsdl obejcts ? Is it something to deal with networks ? Or can it be got when I use it in the program ?

[ May 27, 2008: Message edited by: Joe Jose ]
16 years ago
QUOTE]Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
I don't understand how the need to use a WS follows from the need to update a database, but that's fine if you're sure that that's really a requirement.

If you have the WSDL of the target WS, then you should be able to create Java client access code from it. Most SOAP stacks have a tool that does this; it's often called wsdl2java or some such. Check the documentation of whatever SOAP stack you're using (Axis or JWSDP or ...).


Thanks for the reply.
I am sure that the requirement is to update the database. What I am not sure is how can I use web service for that. Clarity (CA's) is an external system. I have given some quotes from Clarity document :

The XML Open Gateway (XOG) is Clarity�s Web service interface.These Web
services are available on the same HTTP and/or HTTPS port as the Clarity HTML web
browser interface. XOG, however, uses Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), an
open-standard, human-readable, XML-based protocol. Using XOG, you can read and
write data objects from Clarity, execute NSQL queries, and execute other serverside
actions.7.5.3 272
Each XOG service includes a Web Service Description Language (WSDL).The XOG WSDL is available on your Clarity server at the following URL:
http://<servername ort>//wsdl.
7.5.3 294
As previously mentioned, the XOG WSDL is compatible with the following platforms: Apache AXIS 1.3

I have downloaded jwsdp-2.0. But I am not sure where to start with it.
Can you please read the above and help/direct me ?

Many Thanks,
16 years ago
Please anybody help me or give me a suggestion on this ?

Many Thanks,
16 years ago

I am a newbie to java web service. In my currect project [ using jsf, j2se5.x and tomcat 5.5.17 and Oracle as DB ] I need to update an external system's database (Clarity,CA). So far I read, I understand that I need to use web services to do that. One of colleague has already used jwsdp-2(jax-rpc) to a different system. Clarity's web service system uses XOG(Xml open gateway) which uses wsdl.
In this stage, I am totally confused.
How can I start with web service (coding) ?

Please help me.


[ May 20, 2008: Message edited by: Joe Jose ]

[ May 20, 2008: Message edited by: Joe Jose ]
[ May 20, 2008: Message edited by: Joe Jose ]
16 years ago

In the project which I am doing, I have got a screen with an editor (Asbru Content Editor) and a button on its 'onclick' function a popup window with a list of items.
The popup window has got an 'ADD' and a 'CLOSE' button.
At first I failed to paste selected item (one or more) into the editor. I was using Asbur Editor's javascript function to paste the value. Following is the code:

Then with the help of my colleague I was successful.The change I made is :

But I don't understand why it worked on this way.My colleagues explanation was it was trying to access the variables as html. But I didn't understand it.

Can anybody help me to clarify this ? Please don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand my explanation.

Hi William,

Thank you for the reply. I am using JSP to display the editor and java/servlet for back processing. The editor return the text as html document. No changes in the data, but only the tags are different. SO the html tags should match the corresponding sefas tags. So one guy in my office says we can use xml feeds or somehting like that to work out this. The thing is I am new to xml programming and have only basic idea.
Can you give me a bit more details about what you have said please?


I am using an editor(Asbru) in the java web application. I need to convert the text from editor to another application (Sefas, publishing). Can I use xml to convert those html tags from editor to convert to sefas equivalent tags ?

Can you help me here please ? Anybody has similar experience in xml ? I know most people may not be familiar with sefas. If you understand the situation please help me. I am ready to give more information.

Thanks Lasse and Jesus for your replies.

Is these used for unit testing ? I am beginner in testing and would like to get into testing/QA field. Usually testers do the unit testing ? Or the developers ? Most oppotunities want scripting experience. What do they usually mean by that ?

Many Thanks,
17 years ago

Please any one give me an idea how to write test scripts ? I am java developer . Which language script usually use to test a web application done in Java,JSP in a tester's point of view ?

18 years ago

Originally posted by Ali Hussain:
Another option is to consider a more product specific career in IT. For example becoming a specialist in an Application Server. These do not change as often as other Java frameworks and mostly you will be doing configuration work than programming.

Thanks Ali. But how to become a specialist in App server ? May be I need to consider some certification for that, right ?
18 years ago
Thank you very much Lulu.

Yes, I am also thinking to start as a fresher in the qa field. Since my company is not a software company there is no testing/qa department . But there is a qa department in out company, but thats in a different location.

I was disappointed and depressed . But I get some energy by seeing all of your replies.

I have already applied one or two junior test roles. If they call me for an interview , as a fresher, what are all the parts do I need to learn mainly ?
Could anyone give me an idea how automated tools work ? And how to do manual testing ?

Many Thanks,
18 years ago

Originally posted by Michele Martone:
I currently work as a QA manager for an automation team. I value and hire people that can understand and write tests using programming concepts. We use Silktest which has a language that is roughly based upon C. I can't speak about other QA tools, but in Silktest we have common includes which are functions that we can all share. We have coding standards, and we try to create readable test scripts. We have weekly code review meetings to ensure we are creating consistent scripts. So yes, in my team you would have to "program", but it's not as detailed as in our programming team.

Our QA people need to really understand our business also. To me the scenario creation is a fun time because I get to use my business skills, and then figure out how to invoke the scenarios with the QA tools I know.

We also have manual QA testers. If you join a manual test team you will not program. This team runs through a checklist of items that could not be automated for every release. They also must be strong in business, but not strong in technology.

If you go for QA you want to join a company that values QA. If the company values QA you will be paid fairly well if you do automated QA. Not as well for manual QA. If they don't value QA then the team will have no influence and you don't want to work there anyway. So make sure to ask them how much say QA gets in releases, how involved QA is in each production release, and who QA reports to in the company.

Thank you very much Michele. I need to find out how can I find an opportunity to begin . Everyone needs experienced persons or they want only newly passed graduated. I won't be included in either of these.
18 years ago