Dixon Alexander

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since Jan 16, 2004
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Recent posts by Dixon Alexander

All I have to say is. FINALLY!!!

[ August 31, 2006: Message edited by: Dixon Alexander ]
18 years ago
On DEC 31???

I didn't know any testing center was opened on that day.

19 years ago
Is struts related to the keel meta framework?
what's their difference, I'm planning on using the keel meta framework on a web project but I would like to know if it would be better to stick to struts.
20 years ago
I know that struts is big I mean huge in the enterprise this days, but will there be a struts certification?

20 years ago
I like to prove that I have three "1" and then a "cat" and a "dog"
I wanna be able to run a sql query where if the userID="1"
I like to perform a different behavior than if ther userID="something else".
"1" is a default value in the database table for users.
20 years ago
import java.util.*;
public class TestingArrays {
public TestingArrays() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestingArrays tt = new TestingArrays();
String[] parentid = {"1", "1", "1", "dog", "cat"};
String str = new String("1");
// Fixed-size list
List list = Arrays.asList(parentid);
// Growable list
list = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(parentid));
Vector v = new Vector();
for ( int i=0; i<parentid.length; i++ ) {
System.out.println("v : " + v);
Enumeration e = v.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
System.out.println("list.size(): " + list.size());
System.out.println("list.contains(str) " + list.contains(str));
System.out.println("array size: " + parentid.length);
for ( int i=1; i<= parentid.length; i++) {
if (Arrays.asList(parentid).contains("2")) {
System.out.println("la la la: " );
20 years ago
I have an array
array1[] that has 3 values.
example: dog
String[] array1 = {"dog", "cat", "chicken"};

What I need to do use a if statement in this situation?
if (array1 == "dog" ) {
println("is a dog");
if (array1.equals("dog")) {
println("is a dog");
Can any of these, too be possible, How, I try both cases show above but they don't work.
20 years ago
Will the current #1 book for the Web Developer Exam, be good for this new exam.
by the way what is the name of the new EXAM? I know that is based on jsdk1.4 but that's all I know so far.

Sound like it just a mistake, I think that resumission only applies when you fail the test.
you should contact Sun or Prometric about it...
Maybe they could help you, give it a try it won't hurt.
Good Luck.
Hi Everyone,
Thought this might interest you.
The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4 - $19.99
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Maybe creating:
If windows - a batch file or ant script
If Unix/Linux - a make script.
using this methods will help you run your application better, you can just set up your class paths in the files once and not changes will be needed unless you change the Package or File name.
I recommend ANT if you're familiar with it for running and testing your application.
get version 1.5+, try to stay away from version 1.6 since it is a beta version.
good luck.
just different features.
Java 1.0 didn't have swing it was all awt.
Java 2 has swing.
that's a simple example.
There's too much detail to explain here, it would take me forever.
but check: http://www.java.sun.com
or post this question in the beginner section, maybe the moderator of that section will have an answer that will fit you better.
Welcome to Java!
I know the don't run the community!
Sorry about that!
I probably was ok saying, they are really involved in this community.
We run this community!
is that better???
Well thanks for the comments.
20 years ago
How this happened???
I guess I'm going to: