Victoria Bernstein

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since Dec 07, 2000
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Recent posts by Victoria Bernstein

Does anybody know a workaround to a know problem of multiple items drag and drop. I am trying to use it with JTree and JList. Everything works ok with a single item drag and drop, the problem is to implement multiple items.
Thank you
22 years ago
Hi All,
Does anybody know if the new version of the exams tests you on applets? And if it does, what is covered and what is not?
Thank you very much, I would really appreciate your input on this.
Thanks, but that is exactly what I already tried. It works, but there is one big problem: for a fraction of a second (quite noticeable) next row gets selected and then the selection goes to where I programmed it. I added my functionality, but the old Tab functionality is still there.
Any other suggestions?
23 years ago
Hi All,
I need to go to the next cell in the same row when Enter is pressed (same as Tab). I coded around it, but the problem is that the next row still gets selected for a fraction of a second, and only then the current row gets selected again. This happens because the default behavior of Enter is to go to the next row. How can I override that, make Enter work exactly as Tab?
Thank you very much,
23 years ago
Thanks maateen,
I understand how to do it.
Another question: are there any commercial or freeware ready-to-use applets that accomodate printing?
23 years ago
Hi All,
Is there any way to print the contents of the browser window from within an applet?
Thanks a lot,
23 years ago
Hi All,
I have heard rumors that new Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, which is not even out yet, won't support Java by default. Did anybody here anything about it?
Thank you very much
23 years ago
Hi All,
Right now the only way we are able to run our Java application is by creating and running a .bat file (with >java ... in it). The downside to this is that the dos prompt window pops up and stays in the background for as long as the application is on.
The question is: are there any other ways to run Java program? We would like to keep it platform-independent if possible.
Thank you very much!
23 years ago
Thanks, Cindy,
But what I actually need is to do it programmatically. That is put Image object (which is not created from a file!) into the Clipboard. And then a user can do Ctrl-V inside of the Word document.
Any ideas, anybody?
23 years ago
Here is a problem:
I have an Image object in my java program. It is displayed as some kind of image on the screen. Is there any way I can copy and paste it into a Word document?
Thanks a lot,
23 years ago
Thanks Deekasha,
I will try that.
23 years ago
Hi folks,
Does anybody know why the passing score is only 61% comparing to 71% before? Is the exam much harder and if yes, then in which way?
Thanks a lot
Let's say we have n1 and n2. I guess what you are trying to do is:
n1 = 41;
n2 = ~n1; (compliment)
41 => 0010 1001, then the compliment of this is n2=1101 0110
Now, since the most significant bit is 1, the resulting number is negative. In order to find this number you do:
1. 1's compliment of n2: 0010 1001
2. add 1: 0010 1010
3. this is 42, but since it is supposed to be negative, n2 = -42
Hopefully, it makes sense
23 years ago
Hi folks,
Did anybody use third party 2D or 3D Chart components. Can you advise me if there are any good ones out there.
Thank a lot
23 years ago