Originally posted by Stan James:
Can you launch the program from a bat or sh file?
Originally posted by Thomas Whalen:
I think that post counts result in nothing but senseless posts.
Originally posted by Jim Yingst:
And I think you're the first person to call attention to this particular behavior. Others have noticed it, but not been too bothered by it (I think). So unless there's a sudden groundswell of support for post count reformation, I think fixing this "bug" will remain pretty low on the to do list here. No offense, that's just how I see it. Thanks for the input though, we do appreciate feedback on this sort of thing.
Originally posted by Vish Kumar:
Related to the discussion, I have another question.
I always assumed that Empty strings and NULL values are treated the same in Oracle, especially when used in comparison statements in PL/SQL.
[ January 22, 2004: Message edited by: Vish Kumar ]
Just when you think you've figured it out, somebody comes along and changes the questions!!