Ram Mohan

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since Jan 19, 2004
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Recent posts by Ram Mohan

ps: i'm posting this same question again in this forum (I've already posted it in Sun ONe forum; but i guess, there may be experts who don't go to that forum -- i hope the mods understand and don't delete this since IPLanet 4.1 has an absolute lack of documentation on the internet)


I'm running into problems with JSP in IPlanet 4.1 The JSP file that i'm using is a simple HTML file & works fine on another IPlanet 4.1 server.

How do i configure this current server to recognize and display JSPs? I've enabled the "Enable JSP" option in IPlanet configuration. But I do not know whether i need JDK installed on the host machine.

I've tested this JSP in another IPlanet 4.1 server (which runs on an UNIX box) and the configuration is similar. Even there, "ENable JSP" is enabled, but "Configure JRE / JDK" still shows the JRE Path.

Further Information :

This server is hosted on a NT machine. Servlets run correctly; but JSP is the problem. This may be a configuration issue as this is being setup newly.

Lack of documentation about IPlanet is severly hampering my efforts and any help will be greatly appreciated.

19 years ago

I'm running into problems with JSP in IPlanet 4.1 The JSP file that i'm using is a simple HTML file & works fine on another IPlanet 4.1 server.

How do i configure this current server to recognize and display JSPs? I've enabled the "Enable JSP" option in IPlanet configuration. But I do not know whether i need JDK installed on the host machine.

I've tested this JSP in another IPlanet 4.1 server (which runs on an UNIX box) and the configuration is similar. Even there, "ENable JSP" is enabled, but "Configure JRE / JDK" still shows the JRE Path.

Further Information :

This server is hosted on a NT machine. Servlets run correctly; but JSP is the problem. This may be a configuration issue as this is being setup newly.

Lack of documentation about IPlanet is severly hampering my efforts and any help will be greatly appreciated.

19 years ago
A DBMS is an RDBMS if it follows Codd's rules :
lists all the rules....hope you do well in your interview....all the best
could you explain a bit more as to what packed format means???
21 years ago
I guess you're looking for this....http://www.wotsit.org/ where you can search for the "rar" format specification......but as Brian pointed out, i'm sure it's not worth the effort!
21 years ago

Originally posted by Stan James:
Can you launch the program from a bat or sh file?

actually i it is del MyProgram.class & del this.bat ---> this may work(not too sure)
21 years ago
just start a new timer at the start of program execution with the statement:
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
at the end of the program, get the current time by :
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
you can then get the execution time in milliseconds which (im sorry, you have to manually convert into an appropriate format)
hope this helps
21 years ago
simple, use the static method
String.copyValueOf(char[] data) which will return a string "built" from the character array represented by data
21 years ago
maybe you should first compile the sec.java file???
21 years ago

Originally posted by Thomas Whalen:
I think that post counts result in nothing but senseless posts.

i saw a nice idea in a forum where they don't show u ur number of posts, just the title keeps changing according to your number of posts...
21 years ago
i'm also baffled with regard to this mystery....One question though, why do you have a break statement in your if-condition??? Adds complexity to the code!
since if(nameExists!=false) works, its value is being changed to something else...(probably null)
[ January 25, 2004: Message edited by: Ram Mohan ]
21 years ago
hi all,
is there anyway that i can terminate a session that has been created using Stateful Session Bean without using cookies. What i actually want to do is to terminate the user session when the user directly closes the browser windows.
I've heard that using a Action Listener would help, but i'm not convinced about that answer. Personally, i think the only way to achieve what i want is to set a cookie that expires (expiring the session) when all browser windows (or connections) to the server are closed. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Originally posted by Jim Yingst:

And I think you're the first person to call attention to this particular behavior. Others have noticed it, but not been too bothered by it (I think). So unless there's a sudden groundswell of support for post count reformation, I think fixing this "bug" will remain pretty low on the to do list here. No offense, that's just how I see it. Thanks for the input though, we do appreciate feedback on this sort of thing.

the idea was to point out the bug......but now that you're mentioning "groundswell of support" and things like that, maybe i should start getting support from people.........
21 years ago

Originally posted by Vish Kumar:
Related to the discussion, I have another question.
I always assumed that Empty strings and NULL values are treated the same in Oracle, especially when used in comparison statements in PL/SQL.
[ January 22, 2004: Message edited by: Vish Kumar ]

i really don't know about the validity of your statement. But even if it is correct, you're then tying your code down to work only with Oracle, so any porting of databases become difficult. I hope i'm correct here....(this i should consider is more of a design issue)....
well well well, we've moved from EJB to databases to design issues!!! reminds me of a quote...

Just when you think you've figured it out, somebody comes along and changes the questions!!

nothing wrong with b&w photos...just reminds me of calvin asking his dad about color photos....people who are fans of calvin & hobbes surely know what i'm talking about....others, just ignore -- too hard to explain!
21 years ago