Matt Midcap

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since Jan 07, 1999
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Recent posts by Matt Midcap

Hi Mike,
I am moving this to a more a appropriate forum "General Computing" where you should be able to get some good feed back.
22 years ago
The Java Ranch has thousands of visitors every week, many with surprisingly similar names. To avoid confusion we have a naming convention, described at . We require names to have at least two words, separated by a space, and strongly recommend that you use your full real name. Please log in with a new name which meets the requirements.
The Java Ranch has thousands of visitors every week, many with surprisingly similar names. To avoid confusion we have a naming convention, described at . We require names to have at least two words, separated by a space, and strongly recommend that you use your full real name. Please log in with a new name which meets the requirements.
The Java Ranch has thousands of visitors every week, many with surprisingly similar names. To avoid confusion we have a naming convention, described at . We require names to have at least two words, separated by a space, and strongly recommend that you use your full real name. Please log in with a new name which meets the requirements.
I am also going to move this to the "Weblogic Server" forum.
23 years ago
Good idea Tim,
I'm moving this to the "HTML and Javascript" forum for ya' Mahesh. You will get your answers there.
Good idea Tim,
I'm moving this to the "HTML and Javascript" forum for ya' Mahesh. You will get your answers there.
The Java Ranch has thousands of visitors every week, many with surprisingly similar names. To avoid confusion we have a naming convention, described at . We require names to have at least two words, separated by a space, and strongly recommend that you use your full real name. Please log in with a new name which meets the requirements.
"ranga 786",
Thank you for your input on this subject.
Also, the Java Ranch has thousands of visitors every week, many with surprisingly similar names. To avoid confusion we have a naming convention, described at . We require names to have at least two words, separated by a space, and strongly recommend that you use your full real name. Please log in with a new name which meets the requirements.
The Java Ranch has thousands of visitors every week, many with surprisingly similar names. To avoid confusion we have a naming convention, which you agreed to when you registered, described at . We require names to have at least two words, separated by a space, and strongly recommend that you use your full real name. Please log in with a new name which meets the requirements.
Hi Max,
I'm going to move this to the "Other Java APIs" where hopefully you can get more responces on your question.
23 years ago
Hi Max,
I'm going to move this to the "Other Java APIs" where hopefully you can get more responces on your question.
I'm moving this to the "Java in General (beginner)" forum where it is more appropriate.
23 years ago
I'm moving this to the "Java in General (beginner)" forum where it is more appropriate.
I'm moving this to the "Java in General (beginner)" forum where it is more appropriate.
23 years ago
I'm moving this to the "Java in General (beginner)" forum where it is more appropriate.