Pranav Butala

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since Jan 20, 2004
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Recent posts by Pranav Butala

I have created an iCalender that uses strDesc to diaplay content for an event. Content contains html tags. Is there a way to clean html from data in strDesc variable?
20 years ago
tanks for ur help. Figured out how to call uploads and creation from a bash script.
20 years ago
Ant fails to execute the dump file properly as the insert tables have values that contain '--'. This is regognized as comments causing incomplete execution of insert statements.
20 years ago
Ant fails to execute the dump file properly as the insert tables have values that contail '--'. This is regognized as comments causing incomplete execution of insert statements.
20 years ago
Cannot do it. Using ant script for deployment precess. Sql task in ant fails to execute the dump file properly. Need to call it through a shell script. Project guide lines.
20 years ago
Is there a way to write a bash script that will connect to MySQL database if all the JDBC connection information along with user id and password is provided?
20 years ago
Is there a way to write an ant task that will execute MySQL command to create a database and upload a dumpfile in to the created database?
20 years ago
Is there a way to design an ant target that will create a database in MySQL ?
The target depends on configure target that gets all JDBC info
20 years ago
I have a cron job that runs evrery day to back up files. Script it runs creates a folder with system date ie. Cron runs today April 21, 2004 folder name will be "BackupFor04212004".
I need a bash script that will recycle these folder names so that at any given time, there are only 7 folders.
Thank You.
20 years ago
What platform r u working on? Tried using VBScript to append to a .txt file?
I have a VBScript that reads a .txt file in to an array to perform some calculations. I can modify it append to a .txt file. Let me know if you need it.
20 years ago
I need to do some stress test on Oracle DB using jmeter. I have downloaded jmeter on my linux box and configured it.
Is there a good online resource to guide me through the process of setting up jmeter for stress test ??
I am new to this tool. does have an online manual but it is good for those who know what they are doing. I still need to know what to do with this tool.
Thank You.
20 years ago
Figured out hoe to kill em:
for pid in `ps -C httpd|sed -e 's/^\ \+//g' | grep httpd|awk '{print $1}'`
kill $pid
20 years ago
Figured out how to put it in a shell script:
for pid in `ps -C httpd|sed -e 's/^\ \+//g' | grep httpd|awk '{print $1}'`
kill $pid
20 years ago
Check htmldoc. I use it to create pdf doc from html file
20 years ago
Is there a way to kill all instances of httpd daemon that are orphaned using a shell script?
if so, how?
I usually use:

./apachectl stop
ps -ef | grep httpd [to see if there are any oprhaned processes]
if yes,
kill -9 <pid> [to kill them]
Need an automated script for apache server
20 years ago