prabha palani

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since Jan 26, 2004
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Recent posts by prabha palani

The user would have expanded a few nodes. All other nodes would appear in collapsed state. When user clicks on browser refresh button , i should be able to display the Tree structure as the user left (a few nodes expanded, a few nodes collapsed). How do i maintain the expanded / collapsed state of the tree nodes even after browser refresh.
21 years ago
I have a clarification regarding usage of JTree in JApplet.
The problem is described below.
Can anyone provide a sol.
Thanks in advance.
Problem Description :

JTree is contained in JApplet.
This JApplet is loaded in a Browser.
The user can expand the JTree nodes.
When the user clicks on Refresh button of the browser, the nodes get shrunk and only the Root node becomes visible.
The user cannot get back the expanded tree structure.

How to maintain the expanded state of the tree nodes even after refresh.
21 years ago