Billybob Marshall

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since Jan 27, 2004
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Recent posts by Billybob Marshall

What they said in your other post still applies:
Other post
18 years ago
Again, it depends on your operating system.
Windows XP: Start menu, "Run" item, "cmd"

You really need to become more familiar with your computer and OS to be successful. I'd suggest you do that.
19 years ago
It depends on your operating system.
Assuming Windows XP:
Right-click "My Computer" desktop icon, select "Properties" menu item.
On System Properties dialog box, select "Advanced" tab.
Click "Environment Variables" button.
In "System variables" section, find the variable named Path (or PATH). Edit it as desired.
19 years ago
The only real implication (other than style of coding) is that if foo == null, the 2nd approach (foo.equals("foo")) would throw a NullPointerException, whereas the first approach ("foo".equals(foo)) would simply return false.
[ April 06, 2004: Message edited by: Billybob Marshall ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by Stephen Barrow:
Is this suppose to replace my existing code?

Take the ideas within, and incorporate them however you wish.
20 years ago
20 years ago
First off, you're going to run into more difficulty because you have no logical field separators.
John Doe 25 M 3.2
(How is a program supposed to "know" what part of that is the age, for example? Are all names firstName(space)lastName? What about:
John Q. Doe 25 M 3.2)
So you need to organize the data with separators, such as:
John Doe<t>25<t>M<t>3.2
(where <t> represents the TAB character)
Some folks will argue to just use the comma (,) as a separator - but that's inherantly bad, as the fields may have commas embedded within them, making it impossible to tell which commas are data versus separators.
20 years ago
Show the actual code. From reading your message it sounds like you're simply calling getResponseCode() and that throws FileNotFoundException. According to the javadoc, it can throw IOException, but I don't think it would throw that particular type of IOException (FileNotFoundException), so I think the exception may be coming from a different piece of code.
- or -
oneDimArray.add(new Integer(counter1));
depending on what you really want to put in that vector - String-ified integers, or Integers.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Dirk Schreckmann:
Perhaps you've already considered this, but you might do well to include this third party JAR within your JAR. That way your clients won't have to locate and install it separately, and they won't be bothered with knowing its location or dealing with any settings that specify its location.

Other than the fact that a JAR within a JAR won't work that is. A JAR within an EAR or WAR is ok, but not what you suggested.
20 years ago

Originally posted by William Brogden:
I suspect you won't be able to get Java and C# to agree on a class to represent a datae.
Maybe you would be better off with integer year, month and day or something similar.

There should be standard classes in both languages, mapping to the standard xs:datetime web-service type, should there not?
[ March 25, 2004: Message edited by: Billybob Marshall ]
20 years ago
That .classpath file is an artifact of Eclipse I think. So "java" has nothing to do with it (it's just an extra, ignored, file in your JAR).
The standard is to write a "manifest" ( file which specifies the classpath.
20 years ago
There isn't a magic answer for this. Re-engineer it.
20 years ago
Maybe you should think about putting your 'protected' pages versus 'login' page versus 'images' into a folder structure, and only apply the filter to 'protected' ones.
-- login page
-- all your images
-- all your pages which require login first
20 years ago
You can specify the fields to set, excluding the auto-increment one.
sql = "INSERT INTO tablename(someField, someOtherField, ...) VALUES(?,?,...)"