Anand Jayaraman

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since Jan 28, 2004
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Recent posts by Anand Jayaraman

Hi Gavi...

Enabling the admin console thru' the configurations tab is an option available in WSAD NOT on WAS.

19 years ago
No it isn't!!!

There is a pic of her, though, a few pages down. (as also the other authors).

Hi Kumar...

Yes, a session is for a client, but that still doesn't answer my question. What determines a session migration? Is it guaranteed that when an application is deployed in a distributed environment, for every request that comes in sessions will migrate (OR) is it upto the load balancer to decide whether or not to migrate the session?

And by the way, that was one question on
Java Blackbelt 's SCWCD mock test.
Hi all...

I need a clarification on the following.

"Session migration (if supported) is guaranteed to occur between user requests." - Is this statement true?? My interpration of the above is that the session migrates between two requests from the same client.

My understanding was that session migration was upto the load balancer when an application was distributed. Am I wrong?

Hi Chaps...

I was wondering if someone could help me on this. I was looking out for a version/ distro of Linux which can efficiently run CVS. I will have around 8-10 clients using the CVS from overseas, probably a few will be local. IOW, the CVS will be configured on the Linux box locally, but the users who use the CVS could be from a different geographic localtion.

If I were to go for a Desktop Linux, say Novell Desktop Linux, will it serve my purpose. If not, what distro will?

I tried to contact the Novell Customer Service, no answer...

I hope you will help...

20 years ago
Hi All...

I have a HTML form which accepts user information. I have a javascript which does some validations and some processing on that information. Now, I need to send the user information through email.

Can javascript(or HTML) do this WITHOUT having the user to open his mail brwoser? This is because, my javascript does some processing and I do not want the user to view that. When the Outlook window opens to send the mail, all information will appear as the mail body, which is what, I don't want.

Also, it is always better to send the email seamlessly, rather than have the user click 'Send' in Outlook.

Can someone help me out?

Hi Daniel...

Well, what you suggested works. I can see the include file perfectly. What I cannot understand is why it acts up only for that page. If I substitute that include page with another, it works fine.

Anyways, thanks for that mate..

20 years ago
Hi Chaps...

I am working on WSAD 5.1.1. I have a jsp where I include a file as
<%@ include file="someFile.jsp"%>

Such a straightforward include throws a ---
End of content reached while more parsing required: tag nesting error? -- error. I have hundred such jsps and they all work fine. Why is this acting up like this?

20 years ago
Nice Work!!!
20 years ago

If you are using WSAD, you can allow it to generate the stub and skeleton for you. Just right click on the EJB Appliaction in the J2EE Navigator window and click on the Generate > Deploy and RMIC Code from the drop down.

WSAD will now create those for you...

20 years ago
Hi Smriti...

The key to score well is, as Bruce points, is to slow down. Thats a very good advice. Time must not be an issue at all. Another thing is to go back and re-check your answers. You will be amazed how many not-so-apparent tiddly-piddly errors in code surface the second time around.

Good Luck for your exam...