Alec Lee

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since Jan 28, 2004
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Recent posts by Alec Lee

Can someone try this:

1) open a USELESS text file by an editor
2) insert the string "Z0MBiE" in it and safe the file. (Second letter is zero, the 'i' is in small letter, the other letters are capitalized)
3) My Mcafee AV immediately said that the text file was a virus and deleted it.

Okay, Z0MBiE is the name of a virus writer, but does it mean anything related to him is a virus?

11 years ago
I am still using 32 bit Windows XP. Never considered upgrading it!

But I really want to know if 64 bit Windows (any version) is offering any real benefit? How many people here are using 64 Windows? Why did you choose 64 bit?
13 years ago
If i want to utilise the multicore CPU as much as possible, is it simply by making my program spawning as much threads as possible? Assuming I can break down my program into parallell running units and it handles thread-safety issue manually.

If yes, then how many threads are optimal? Since I cannot foresee the number of cores the target systems will have.
But, why would console have a market at all? What advantage does it have over PC? Developers write console game because the hardware is popular, not the reverse. If nobody felt the console had a market niche in the first place, nobody would develop game for it, not to mention developing game solely for console.

Also, my impression is that console hardware is always inferior to the latest PC hardware. Am I right ? For example, "upgrade" to PS2 only means buying PS3.
14 years ago
I just wondering why people would like to buy game console (PS3, Wii, Xbox360) for playing games. Isn't that a PC with the latest hardware a much more powerful platform? Or, I'd say, the most powerful platform in the consumer market. Besides, you can incrementally upgrade it with the newest h/w while upgrading a game console only means buying a new one?
14 years ago
In Windows, what is the difference between foreground and active window? To be specific, under what circumstances can a foreground window not be an active window? If the 2 terms are referring to the same concept why there're 2 terms.

The msdn documentation here mentions "clicking a window, or by using the ALT+TAB or ALT+ESC key combination" makes a window active as well as foreground. There is nothing explicitly about the difference between the 2 terms:
14 years ago

Java belongs to Sun/Oracle. C Sharp belongs to Microsoft. C++ belongs to nobody. But, does that means no body can produce a compiler that interpret a Java/CSharp program without the authorization from the owner? If no, exactly what kind of rights does the owner of a programming language has? I know Microsoft lost a lawsuit to Sun for producing J# with class lib incompatible to java lang spec. However, how did Sun impose a restriction on the implementation of a programming language while allowing someone else to develop a compiler (Visual J#) for the programming language?
14 years ago
To fully utilise a multi-core CPU, is it simply by writing all codes in as many threads as possible (or at least # of threads matches # of core) and assume the OS will auto allocates the threads and utilise idle CPU cores as much as possible?
14 years ago
I'm not a native English speaker and very often I come across English phrases in movies that I cannot understand from a dictionary. Here it is

From the TV program Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles:

There are 2 phrases I dont understand:

1. It's tight.

What does tight here mean?

2. Bitch whore much

ok, I know 'bitch whore'. But, what does 'much' here mean?

14 years ago
Is Bosphorus a part of international water or part of Turkey?

Wikipedia doesn't mention which country it belongs to!
14 years ago
Nothing wrong with Freemarker. Just I have no experience with it. Would it be easy to pick up Freemarker from a JSP background?
14 years ago
I'm trying to set up my own forum site and is looking for Java servlet based forum software. Can anyone suggest one for me?

I heard about JForum and vbulletin but the latter one is a commerical product. I prefer free open source product where I can customize myself. I know Javaranch itself is based on JForum (as indicated at the end of the page ). What is the View layer of JForum based on? I heard somebody says it's freemarker. I know about Jsp but have no experience with Freemarker. Is there any other similiar product that is MVC style but based on JSP?
14 years ago
You should better use Javascript to extract the HTML data. Using Java means you program needs to act as an HTML client. Although open source solution like Jakarta's HttpClient already existing, Javascript is much better choice as the browser already support it. In particular, you will probably need to use HTA (HTML Application) file (see MSDN for it, basically a HTML file with embedded javascript renamed to .hta).
14 years ago
I am thinking about this too. But for one thing, firewall will typically alert the user that my java program is trying to listen on a certain port and ask for the user's permission. Would that expose the trick I am using and alllow the user to crack it. Siince as we all know, Java classes can easily be decompiled and hacked.
14 years ago