Ashish Patel

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since Jan 30, 2004
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Recent posts by Ashish Patel

Hi All,

we have the following requirement of creating recursive object tree from the list of objects.[Explorer tree style]

Let me explain by an example.
Consider the foll. BusinessObject (BO) :

We get the List of BOs from a call to an external system which does not provide these BOs in tree form [i.e. parent-child tree relationship].It simply provides these BO with the code,desc and categoryPath attribute set.
Now we have to get the parent-child relationship out of the List and populate the List<MyBO> children attribute appropriately.

Now we have to convert this List of BOs in another List<MyBO> such that the parent-child [Tree] relationship is maintained i.e. "com" should be top level and should contain ChildList of java,javaranch and hellowworld and so on each element should contain its subfolders as child.This will then be provided to the front end to be shown as an Explorer style TREE structure.

Hope i have clarified my requirements elaborately enough.
I think using recursive logic can be a solution but i am not sure about how to get the parent-child relationship correct because the objects can be in any order.

So would appreciate if you can share your comments,views,ideas,code on this.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago

Originally posted by Devang Joshi:

i m livin' in virar, and travel to mindspace complex, link road, malad/goregaon (both!).

there is no time-restriction at my office (so far) so i don't care much about timings n all... it takes me almost 2 hrs to reach office and vice versa.

Where do u work in MindSpace ? i mean which company ? r there many IT companies in MindSpace area ?
18 years ago
Hi all,

My PC when it starts up just loads the wallpaper on my Desktop & nothing else.
Neither any other desktop items, nor the Taskbar nor the System tray.

To load all these i need to manually kill the "Explorer" process from the TaskManager & create a new "Explorer" process & kill this one too...
then everything is displayed properly & functions normally...

Any idea as to whats happening .....& how to rectify this...

I am using Windows XP as my environment.

19 years ago

According to my understanding of final :-

By definition, final methods cannot be *****overridden*******

Hence the o/p that u get is perfectly all right , coz. u r just overloading & not overriding.....

Hope this answers ur question.
Manoj -

I think u can remove ur import SessionFile statement from the second file, as u said that u have .(dot) in ur classpath and then compile ur file.
19 years ago
Hi all,

I would like to find the exact match of one string in another.
Currently i have used XPATH's contains() function to do this task, but the problem is it also returns true if it is not an exact match.

Syntax of contains() is :-
--- Return value = true/false

See the e.g. :- If I want the string say 'ash' to be searched in a string 'Hello ashish .How r u?' , the contains() will return "true" bcoz. it finds "ashish" in the string which is not the exact match for "ash" which i have searched for.

So please give me an insight on how to solve this.
Thanks William for ur reply...

I too have checked my disk using the disk cleaner provided by Windows , but that just fixes broken files....

Is this due to problems in my RAM or Motherboard or processor or hard disk ?

How do i check whether the hardware is functioning properly.?
20 years ago
HI all,

I get Memory Dump problem / error in WinXP very frequently...

Earlier I had formatted my C: drive & installed WinXP a couple of times & it got suppressed for a couple of weeks ...

Now when i format my c: drive & try to install XP , it shows this dump error .

Please let me know as to what the problem could be ...or what should i do to rectify this.....

Is it a hardware problem or software problem ?

Also my vendor is not much arare about this error..

If anyone of u can throw some light on this , i can possibly ask my vendor to check for that [hardware or software]....

Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
THanks for the reply.

But can i get a sample snippet of the code somewhere.

I am new to XML parsing & i would like to have a sample code snippet to read a xml file , parse it using Xerces SAX parser.

I tried to have a look at the apache site but in vain....

Any help is appreciated.
Hi All ,

I am deploying a new web application[ashish_test] inside tomcats webapps directory .
Foll. is the entry that i have added to my server.xml for this context
<Context path="/ashishTest" docBase="ashish_test" debug="0"
reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
My tomcat server[4.1.18] is listening at port 9090.

Now when i try to hit a servlet "AshishHelloWorld" [kept in classes dir under web-inf , also tried keeping this servlet in servlets dir.] using the url


I get the foll. error
message /ashishTest/servlet/AshishHelloWorld

description The requested resource (/ashishTest/servlet/AshishHelloWorld) is not available.

Thanks ....
20 years ago
Hi All ,

I would like to ask you'll the basic difference between checked & unchecked exceptions .

And then , why runtime [unchecked] exceptions are not checked at compile time by declaring them using the throws clause or by using try catch block ?

Thanx in advance .

20 years ago