Swapna Agarwal

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since Jan 30, 2004
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Recent posts by Swapna Agarwal

I am using WSSD5.0.
When i do changes in XSL file, all the .class files in the web.inf were deleted.
After that i try to rebuild my project its not creating the .class files in WEB-INF.
I cant run any program with this tool. Could any body pose some light on this issue?
Thanks for your help.
20 years ago
I would like to install JDK1.4, when i look into SUN website there are lot of versions , i am just confused with all those.I found

1)Download J2SE v 1.4.2_04 SDK with NetBeans 3.6
2)Download J2SE SDK
3)Download J2SE JRE
4)Download J2EE 1.4 SDK

Which one i have to download?
Could any one suggest me a good book on WSAD and WAS?
20 years ago
after i click on ADD button, i found
DOS command
Online Help file
Menu Separator

I did't find any Java SDK ....
Could you plz be clear after this step
could any one please pose some light on this...
I am trying to use Textpad4.5, i want to use "ctrl+1 " for compilation and ctrl+2 for running my java program.How to set those parameters in textpad properties?My directory structure is like this
As i am new to java,textpad, your help is highly appreciated
could you please send me those PPt to this mail ID
[email protected]

Could any one give me some info abt the free/discount vouchers for SCJP
thanks alot. I got it.
I am doing all silly mistakes.
Thank you all.
by putting those braces , code is compiled well, but a run time error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
Press any key to continue . . .
I wonder some body could tell me why the SOP's in thos code is giving errors.and i observed one more thing, for abstarct class , after the compilation, there is a directory created with name of the source file and then the class file is stored there. i mean is there any diff. in compilation of abstract class. Here is my class and error(these are from K&B)

C:\JavaFiles\Source\food\Apple.java:3: <identifier> expected
System.out.println("this is Apple");
1 error
Tool completed with exit code 1
(code tags added and made topic a little less loud)
[ May 02, 2004: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
[ May 02, 2004: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
I worked on J2ee technologies(EJB) , due to some reasons i was out of project, almost forgot every thing. So what is the best way i can refresh my knowledge and get a project.What i mean is , i would like to run atleat one program right from the Servlets ,jsp,.....struts,webservises.
Could anyone suggest me the best way with availability of material or books.
Thanks alot
I worked on J2ee technologies(EJB) , due to some reasons i was out of project, almost forgot every thing. So what is the best way i can refresh my knowledge and get a project.What i mean is , i would like to run atleat one program right from the Servlets ,jsp,.....struts,webservises.
Could anyone suggest me the best way with availability of material or books.
Thanks alot
20 years ago
I want to know whether there is an order to follow for these certifications.
after getting scjp can i go for EJB or WEBServises exam?
20 years ago
How many hrs per day did you spend on the preparation ,what are material u followed? How to get the voucher from SUN.
20 years ago
How many days needed for preparation of scjp1.4(consider spending 8hrs time in a day).I know the fundamentals of Java programing.What is the fastest way i can appear for the exam?
Thanks for ur valuable suggestions
20 years ago