David Junta

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since Dec 10, 2000
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Recent posts by David Junta

But really, you are forgetting a few things... 1.) God told Joseph Smith to start the church... you just said that you decided to start your own religion... 2.) Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Morman, he translated it.

So anyone who claims to have heard the voice of God is a prophet? There are numerous books in the psychic/UFO section of any bookstore written by people who claim the same thing, and they also "translate" or channel the "word of God", often through alien races or ancient societies from Atlantis. Are they in the same boat as the Mormons? I don't mean to insult anyone, but to an outsider they really are identical. There's no way to discern a true claim from a sham or somone who is well-intentioned but totally deranged.

Also... once you founded this religion... if you and your followers were heavily persecuted... would you be willing to die for your "religion"? Both Jesus and Jospeh Smith did...

Well, David Koresh in Waco did too. But I hardly think that makes him a prophet. Faith and devotion are not automatically good; many followers of Charles Manson and Jim Jones had great faith in them as well. Again, I don't mean to offend. I think there are some religious leaders out there worthy of devotion, but there are also many who are total scumbags who hurt their followers for their own gain. How is a person on the outside to judge? Perhaps there is no way to explain why the Mormon church or the Buddha or Jesus or whatever sect appeals to one person so strongly yet seems like a magnet for loonies to another. But it seems like there should be some somewhat universal guidelines for assessing any sect or religion. Thoughts, anyone?
23 years ago
You're missing one big thing:
The object is not to attract ANY men. The object is to attract men which THEY are also attracted to. All other men who respond to their "attractiveness" but do not meet the WOMAN'S "attractiveness" requirements are left with the misery of rejection...not a pleasant feeling. But men play the same game...I've heard many a woman complain that some guy they like won't give them the time of day...misery.
23 years ago
Sex, Lies & Videotape
Schindler's List
23 years ago
I'm sorry I asked the question in the first place. Jeez!
You donate your time to try to make this a great place (which it is) and get all sorts of negativity for doing your best. Hats off to you and the rest of the gang.
Maybe she (or others) was inconsistent in her editing...maybe she wasn't. But it's hardly worth all this...don't you think? If someone else posted a derogatory message, let it be their own grief. Most of us here (you, included, I'm sure) know better and have the option of moving on...letting it go.
23 years ago
If you like vegetarian food, "Greens" in Fort Point and "Millenium" near the Opera House are absolutely amazing.
The Exploratorium is also very cool...a sort of science museum with all sorts of trippy experiments and interactive exhibits. It's sort of aimed at kids but anyone who likes science would enjoy it.
23 years ago
I think Jim hit the nail on the head in saying that they should only have to list the ingredients INTENTIONALLY added. All this stuff about beef specks in the air and cross-contamination digresses from the responsibility that McD's has to be forthright when asked about what they consciously put into their products.

Originally posted by Andy Ceponis:
But on to a more general question. Say i dont like seaweed. Now should everyone who makes "MILKshakes" have to tell everyone that there might be seaweed in the shakes? I would have no reasonable expectation of milkshakes containing seaweed.

I don't think the issue is whether they should have to pro-actively alert everyone that there is a certain ingredient in their food. The issue is whether they should be able to LIE when EXPLICITLY asked. No matter what legal gibberish you spew out, lying to customers who have religious dietary concerns is just plain wrong and I believe they will pay for it.
23 years ago
Personally, I think McDonald's is crap. The only times I've eaten there, which is when I specifically asked about the beef thing, are the two times I drove across America. Could I have packed my own healthy food? Of course. But if you want to grab something quick and close to the main highways, Mickie D's is definitely convenient...the local whole foods store isn't.
As for all your legal rambling, Rahul (no offense ), it means nothing to me. You sound like Bill Clinton . I'm talking about simple customer service. If you blatantly lie to customers by telling them it is 100% vegetable oil then you should expect vegetarian customers to be upset when it turns out to contain some beef. If you want to avoid that, you should say there may be a tiny bit of beef in it. Legal matters aside, this is the sort of B.S. that customers are smart enough to see through. As for the courts, we'll see if you are right, Rahul. I suspect the courts would agree with the lawyer, right or wrong, simply because of the religious aspects for devout Hindus.
23 years ago

Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
A community pool is a different story. You have voted for elected officials to create the rules for using the pool. If you don't like the rules then you can get your fellow citizens to elect the pro-poop candidates. Strangely enough, you won't end up in a political prison or even banned from the pool because you fought to change the rules.

Why don't they ever list how the candidates stand on this issue? They need another column on the candidate comparisons to divide the pro-poops from the anti-poops. And is George Bush pro-poop or just plain poop?

[This message has been edited by David Junta (edited May 08, 2001).]
23 years ago
Everyone keeps saying that vegetarians are asking for special treatment...to change the french fry recipe or preparation process, etc. How is it asking for special treatment if someone wants to get a truthful answer to the question of whether the fries have any meat in them? If the answer was "a miniscule amount" or "I don't know" then most (if not all) vegetarians would simply choose not to eat there. The sense of betrayal and anger is because they were lied to...plain and simple. If we had no food labelling laws, then I agree that veggies should either eat at home or quit their crying. But I specifically asked Mickie D employees about the fry oil and was told it was 100% vegetable oil. Not 99.99%...100% vegetable oil. And the written nutritional (non-nutritional, actually) labels also didn't state there was any meat in the fries. That is just plain wrong, and I hope they have to pay for the omission. How hard would it be to include a tiny note on the label that said, "*may contain miniscule amounts of beef." It would still be up to the customers who cared about that stuff to ask for and read the label, but at least it would be honest and not misleading.
23 years ago
One problem with this issue is $$$ MONEY $$$. What about all the situations in which a non-wealthy family is paying huge sums to keep a relative alive? They will certainly have an incentive to euthanize them even when there is still some small chance of a recovery. Same goes for relatives who stand to inherit large sums of cash from a relative who is in a coma or otherwise unable to live a self-sustained life. Add to that the incentive of doctors and hospitals who want the organs for transplant. It becomes a slippery slope. Having said that, just because modern medicine has given us the ability to prolong life way beyond its natural capacity, should EVERYONE be REQUIRED to take advantage of that? It seems there ought to be a way to make a living will specific enough that there is no judgement call involved, thus eliminating whatever financial incentives might exist, but I'm no lawyer. I knew an old woman in her 80's who managed to get hold of a few pills from her doctor which he assured her would kill her if she took them. Her intention was to end her own life if she felt she was so far gone she couldn't live some semblance of a decent life anymore. She ended up dying suddenly of natural causes...her body just shut down all at once. But I think she had a right to have those pills, even though the doctor could have gotten in a heap of trouble for giving them to her.
23 years ago
I love rain.
23 years ago
My thoughts are with you. My fiancee lost her golden retriever just over a year ago in similar circumstances. She absolutely adored her and took her EVERYWHERE (including her grad school classes! ) she went for 4 years, and suddenly she got sick. Cancer had completely ravaged her insides and she had to be put down. When she first got her dog, they were living in the mountains of Colorado and her dog LOVED roaming the wilderness and chasing deer and elk. So when she died, my girlfriend kept her ashes so she could bury her on top of the mountain they hiked on almost every day. She didn't make it back to Colorado until about three weeks ago and she was finally able to hike up the familiar snowy trail and put her to rest in the Earth they both loved so much. She still misses her and gets a bit sad when she sees her picture, but the last year has helped. The good memories will live on, but the sadness will subside. Hang in there. Lucy was a lucky dog.
23 years ago

Originally posted by Sahir Shibley:
" There is a barber who shaves every one in town who doesnt shave themsleves. May I know if the barber can shave himself or not? "

The statement only guarantees that there is nobody in town going unshaven. It does not say that if they shave themselves then the barber does NOT shave them...so they could be shaving themselves AND getting shaven by the barber, which is what would occur if the barber shaved himself. So the answer is YES, the barber can shave himself.
23 years ago

Originally posted by Sahir Shibley:
" There is a barber who shaves every one in town who doesnt shave themsleves. May I know if the barber can shave himself or not ? "

He can if he's from out of town.

23 years ago
Let it rest? But it's such good fun! Even Dubbya himself likes to joke frequently about his uncertain command of the English language...although it is sometimes painful to watch the guy smirk and basically call himself an idiot over and over. I happen to enjoy these quotes, including yours about Al Gore. Nobody's going to kick you off JavaRanch for quoting Slick Willie or Big Al...unless of course you're going to quote William's cigar talk with Monica. If you think theirs can give Shrub's a run for his money, bring 'em on.
As for more serious quotes, my favorite is from a song by Everything But The Girl:
"To know yourself is to let yourself be loved."
23 years ago