Jean-Marc Bottin

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since Feb 03, 2004
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Recent posts by Jean-Marc Bottin

Hi all,

I was wondering which framework are you using for developing and consuming web services.

I am a little bit confused because I don't know which framework to use:
Apache Axis2
Apache CXF
Xfire codehaus
Spring WS
and others...

Based on your experiences what do you suggest?

16 years ago
Hi Tim,

Thank you very much for your reply. It's working with your fix.

Have a great day.

16 years ago
Hi all,

I have a problem with some piece of code and I cannot figure it why.
I have an url ( which I can get via my browser.

However why I use some Java code to download it I get this useless error:

My piece of code to get this little monster to work is just below:

Do you have nay idea why it doesn't work? I am lost.

16 years ago
Thank you for your answer Marilyn.

20 years ago

I have already posted a question regarding the length of the payment (its validity). Before I do the big jump (I want to join the cattle drive) I still have more questions. Some aspects of the process still a little bit unclear for me.

Do you need books (specifically Just Java 2)?
I have bought a few months ago Head First Java, this book is magic but I felt the need for something which will go more in details but still for beginners. So I bought Thinking in Java 3rd edition. Is this material (these two books plus the internet) will be enough to help me during the assignments or do I need more books?

How the assignment process is working?
I read it on the web site, do it and submit the answer. If I do it right or wrong the nitpicker will go back to me and give me feedback on the program itself plus direction to improve my programming skills?
If I get it wrong, does the nitpicker will point me to the right direction and help me understand why I get it wrong?

javascript: x()

20 years ago
Thanks for your answer.

20 years ago

I would like to know, if when you are registered to the cattle drive you have deadline to submit your assignment. This could be quit difficult because I have a day job. Moreover once you have signed in, what is the duration of your payement, six motnhs, a year?

Thank you,

20 years ago
As bizarre as it sounds, I managed to make the code to run.
I had previously set the classpath with: c:/Sun/AppServer/jdk/lib/tools.jar
I deleted this for the system (Windows 2000 OS) and only kept the PATH : C/Sun/AppServer/jdk/bin and it works.
I still very confused ad I am worry that in a near futur I will have to modified the PATH and CLASPATH again, while I still ahve understand it properly. On the Sun web site, the infos are not clear at all. I have installed J2EE instead of JSE. Most of the infos could be found for JSE but J2EE I did not find anything clear at all.
Does somebody know why?
20 years ago
Thanks for the answer, it makes more sense. One more question. By path you mean the path and classpath or only the classpath, because I did'nt have any trouble with the exercises on the previous chapters.
20 years ago
I just started to do some java and I just bought "Head First Java.
While I was testing the pool Puzzle exercise of the chapter 4 I had a error from (I think) the JVM.
I can compile (I still think) because when I do, javac, I get a Puzzle4.class in my folder. So I think the compilation was successful.
When I want to execute the program: java Puzzle4, I get the following message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClass.DefFoundError: Puzzle4
What does this mean?
Here is my code:
public class Puzzle4
public static void main (String[] args)
Puzzle4b[] obs = new Puzzle4b[6];

int y = 1;
int x = 0;
int result = 0;

while ( x < 6)
obs[x] = new Puzzle4b();
obs[x].ivar = y;
y = y * 10;

x = x + 1;

x = 6;
while ( x > 0 )
x = x - 1;
result = result + obs[x].doStuff(x);

System.out.println("result " + result);
class Puzzle4b

int ivar;
public int doStuff( int factor )
if ( ivar > 100 )
return ivar * factor;
return ivar + ( 5 - factor );
Can somebody tell me what is going on in the java engine?
20 years ago
I may have a stupid question but please bear in mind that I am a Java beginner. I have seen that the recommended book is "Just Java 2" in order to be prepared before the jump into the cattle drive experience.
If I want to read "Head First Java" is that a problem regarding the content and tutorial of the cattle drive ? Or could I buy both of them?
20 years ago