A qs in one of the mocks is "What can contain a menu bar?" Options are Frame, Applet, Panel, Window. I would pick all. And it is correct in one test. In another test the same qs has only Frame as the answer and if the others are selected it is incorrect. On going thru the API i found that Component implements the MenuContainer interface. Going by inheritance wouldnt all components inherit this capability of being a Menu Container ?? Does that mean even Buttons/labels/etc that descend from component can contain menubars?? (Doesnt make sense, just speaking rules-of-inheritance wise) Looking for methods, only frames have the setMenuBar method to set a menu. rest use add??
I am a little confused about the correct answer. To be it seems that all concrete classes of components would inherit the capability to be a menucontainer from Component. Can anybody shed some light, (preferably a halogen one) on this topic??