Here is a question from Which of the following statements regarding an enterprise bean's environment are correct?
1. The container provides the tools that allow the deployer to create and manage the enterprise bean's environment.
2. Enterprise bean instances can modify the values of the environment entries at runtime.
3. The deployer sets and modifies the values of the environment entries by editing the enterprise bean's deployment descriptor.
4. Enterprise bean instances obtain the values of the environment entries from the enterprise bean's deployment descriptor.
5. Enterprise bean instances use the JNDI interfaces to obtain the values of the environment entries.
The provided answer is 1 and 5, it says:
Answers 3 and 4 are incorrect because the deployment descriptor is used to define only the environment entries, as opposed to the values that the enterprise bean expects to be provided at runtime.
I am not sure what it means, why cannot we set and modify the values of the env entry?