Peyton McCullough

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since Feb 07, 2004
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Recent posts by Peyton McCullough

Well, I've got the data part down. That's pretty straightforward. A project I am doing now feautres semi-public data ( which is retrieved via the server from a database, but the user is required to create an account ), but at the same time protects encrypted passwords and things. Though the databae is protected via a username and password ( and host access control ), so I shouldn't be too concerned there.
What about things like floods? How could I protect against them?
20 years ago
This isn't exactly a Java-specific question, but I was wondering about the security of servers. Say I have a server -- just a plain server that sends back to the client what it recieves ( a dummy server, so to speak, for example purposes ). What measurements would I take to make it more secure? What are the most common measures implemented? What are the most important measures implemented? I have been wondering about this for a while, but have never really found an(y) answer(s).
[ April 20, 2004: Message edited by: Peyton McCullough ]
20 years ago
Bleh. I find Jython very interesting and very easy for beginners. Plus, you can use Python in other places too.
20 years ago
Depends, what are you learning it for?
Java-related purposes? Then go with Jython.
20 years ago
If you want to turn it into a '.exe' file, there are a number of utilities out there. Just do a search.
There was one really good EXE wrapper for JAR files on sourceforge, but I can't remember the name and just whiped Windows yesterday for Mandrake.
20 years ago
There are other uses for it besides embedding.
20 years ago
Only include the relevant code and things will be easier to debug ( you can replace irrelevant chunks of code with '...' ). Anyhow, created a model for the list and use addRow().
Scroll down to the methods and find setVerticalScrollBarPolicy and setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy.
20 years ago
Is there a way I can see the number of active connections to a server socket?
Are you aware that 'newVector.elementAt(2)' will return a vector conisting of more vectors? It will return all of row two. If you wanted to get, say, row two's column one, you'd use:

[ February 15, 2004: Message edited by: Peyton McCullough ]
21 years ago
I overcame my stubborness to try it without seeing if my thoughts were correct - and it worked!
For those of you searching through the threads in this forum a year or two from now - ListCellRenderers still work with manual additition of list items.
Heh, I should have tried it before posting, but I didn't want to write anything I didn't have to. Sorry.
21 years ago
I'm puzzled right now as to what to do, maybe some of you Java dieties can help me.
Basically, I have an auction system ( application, not applet ) for a popular game. Players can auction items. Right now, you can pick a category and it displays all the auctions from the category. It does this by sending the server a message. The server then queries the MySQL database and sends back a list of auctions. They are all added to the jList.
What I want to do is improve on the listing of auctions to create icons for each list item signifying different things, such as a locked auction. I can get the info on the server-side, no problem, but actually listing them is what puzzles me.
Now, I could use a ListCellRenderer, but I before I start I want to be sure of exactly how I want to tackle it. I'm a bit confused as to how to make the renderer. In the example I have seen, it adds a row for each item in an array. It looks all fine and dandy, but does that kill the purpose of adding rows manually? Furthermore, would it repaint itself every time I got a new list from the server?
Any replies are appreciated.
// :: Peyton
21 years ago
Thank you! :-)
21 years ago