miguel lisboa

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since Feb 08, 2004
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i've been several years away from programming in general and from java in particular.

Would this book be useful for my case if i wanted to get back to programming?

Thanks in advance
6 years ago
hmm, so i guess reading the book will, for once, introduce me to Profiling and Debug stuff

thank you
Hi, Robert Liguori and Ryan Cuprak: i have no intent at all to make any exams or whatsoever, since i am a self-taught java student
i have to confess i was captivated by your first paraghraph, were you suggest that one who knows well this IDE will improve his overall knowledge in ee java.
Is this for real? will i grow as a programmer (making dramatic improvements) if i read the book?

thanks in advance for your answer
if i eliminate the space right before the @, i get no complaints at all:
12 years ago
ok, thank you
12 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote: That's an error with the JSP translator.

so, if it is a jsp translator error, how can one fix it?
is there another way of implementing that jsp directive?
12 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Please take the time to choose an appropriate forum for your posts. This forum is for questions on HTML and JavaScript. For more information, please click this link ⇒ CarefullyChooseOneForum.

This post has been moved to a more appropriate forum.

you'r right: i was induced in error because of the nature of the article i point to, as it deals with encoding and so its html related, i guess
12 years ago
in the process of reading this article: Character Conversions from Browser to Database, i used this jsp directive as in the article:
but i get an error message, saying:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp/sayhello.jsp
Syntax error on token "pageEncoding", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token
1: <% @page pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" %>

as i dont know how to sort this out, here i am asking for help

(as a curiosity, if i comment that line out, i can run the code without any problem)

thanks in advance
12 years ago

Peter Johnson wrote:(...) Looking at what you did post, line 9 has a typo, if line 13 had the same typo then I can see why it would misbehave.

you got it right!
i corrected the errors, used and all works fine now

thank you, Peter
12 years ago

Mario Alcantara wrote:(...)You can read the Head First Servlets & JSP by Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates second edition book. It´s clear and easy to understand

that was one of my first thoughts; later i dropped the idea because it looked to me a lot like exam oriented, and as i'm a pure amateur...

Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:GET and POST methods are part of the HTTP protocol which is the standard protocol for all communication on the web. The protocol defines how the client sends a request to the server and how the server responds to the request. What the J2EE web container does for you is hide the nitty gritty of the HTTP protocol from you. The J2EE server (tomcat/JBoss,etc) will take care of things like listening to incoming sockets from browsers, marshalloing the request and response, etc etc,and "wraps" the request and response in the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse API.

The servlet that you implement execute inside the container, and whenever the container receives a request, it will parse the request and construct an HttpServletRequest and call your servlet. You servlet will perform the business logic and put the response in HttpServletResponse. After your method returns the container will marshal your response as a HTTP response and send it back to the client.

that's perfect!

as to Amit's links, i have to say i am in the process of reading the 6th ed of java ee tutorial, in pdf, which, in the case you point to, is quite diferent from your 5th ed (note the tut has more then 1000 pages and i'm still around page 100)

but what really clarified my head and showed (finally) how things work behind the scenes was the onjava article: now i have a much clearer idea of what's going on and also i understand what i didnt when i first wrote this topic

thanks to everyone who helped me
12 years ago
in first place i want to apologize in case someone thinks i'm joking, because i'm not
when i started with java i didnt understand almost any of the terms of the "main" signature, but now i fully get it all

as to servlets, the doget and dopost methods are like that because they are? or there is an explanation? and who ever calls those methods?

where can i read about all this, from scratch?

thanks in advance
12 years ago
i must be doing something wrong, since the same reference path sometimes works and sometimes doesnt

here is a part of my ant build file:

the undeploy target works perfectly
my Question is: why, on my last target, do i have to write the whole path (in order to get it working), instead of using the "CATALINA_HOME" way?
when i use the catalina it assumes that catalina is a subfolder under my current dir

not sure if i was clear enough
can someone please give me a hand at this?

thanks in advance
12 years ago
i'm using mysql, so i believe i'm quite safe without closing the statement; anyway thanks for the advice and explanation

as to my very first code, is it ok or is there something to catch?
do you think i need to close the statement too?
i think you mean the following:


thank you