Gir Gor

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since Feb 10, 2004
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Recent posts by Gir Gor

Hi Jose
I just want to thank you for every thing. I did it and it works very well.
Have a nice day
Regards GG
20 years ago
Thanks . It was very kind of you to help me with may problem. I have a question : Do I need two table model, one for each table??? or just one is enough for both of them.
21 years ago
Hi Jose B
In the link that I gave you :Swing
there are two retrieveData methodes one in the StocksTable class and one in the StockTableData class.What is the reason for that?
Is it possible for you to explain more to me what I have to do? I am new in Java and I treid hard but still is very difficult to anderstand.

Please help me to find the way for that problem.
21 years ago
Hi Jose B
I am very thankful. I will try it.
21 years ago
How can I do this??? I want that user be able to copy one or more rows to another JTable with pressing a copy button. If I add rows to the second table model can stil user use the copy button???
And would yo please give me an example of adding row to second table model.
21 years ago
Hello !
I am new in JAVA PROGRAMMING and I really need your help. PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY PROBLEM.
I have two Jtable with two TableModel.My first Table is just like the (ExpenseReport table)
that you can find here :
18.8 Custom models, editors, and renderers.
I have three buttons(Insert, Delete and Copy).I want that user be able to choose some rows in first table by clicking on checkboxes that I have in my last Culomn in FirstTable and then pressing the copy butten and copy those row to the second Table.
I have tried so hard to find a way for this problem but I find nothing.PLEASE HELP ME.
21 years ago