VP Jain

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I have 8+ years of experience.

I did'nt buy any of the mock exams.

I just went through the following sites,


Since i took my Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD)

It was easy for me to refresh the following sections by
reading the Head First EJB Book.

Section 4: Enterprise JavaBeans Technology.
Section 5: Enterprise JavaBeans Container Model.
Section 9: Messaging.

I read Head First Design Patterns & for the J2EE Design Patterns i referred
the Head First Servlets & JSP for

Section 8: Design Patterns.

For the UML part that it will be easier if you know all the type of

diagrams.I referred to UML Distilled.

Section 1: Concepts.

For all the below mentioned sections.

Section 2: Common Architectures.
Section 3: Legacy Connectivity.
Section 6: Protocols
Section 7: Applicability of J2EE Technology
Section 11: Security

I downloaded the notes from the BM-ONE list of URL.

For me what i suggest is if you want to really try it ,prepare for the
exam and don't step back for any reason
giving reasons like (I will take the next version).

(It is just my suggestion, maybe others may differ, which i dont want to comment).

There is always the PART II & PART III where you can implement the latest
version for the assignment.

Plan, Prepare, Revise and Execute.

All the very best !.

Cleared SCEA Part 1.

It took me 1 week to prepare for the exam.

Used the following study guides.

1.Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology.

2.Head First EJB
Just watch out for the EJB Version and concentrated on what is
needed for the exam.

3.Head First Design Patterns.

4.John Wetherbie NOTES ON SCEA

5.Notes from the SCEA Yahoo Groups.

I would like to thank the authors of the Head First Series,

Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman
Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

for coming out with such splendid books and all the fellow ranchers.

I will be kicked out of my house if don't thank my wife and my two kids,
without their support it would be impossible for me to finish this task.

All the best for others who are preparing for this exam.

My Journey begins.

[ August 01, 2007: Message edited by: VP Jain ]


and thank you for sharing your experience.

All the best for SCEA PART II & PART III

.VP Jain.


and best of luck for part II & III.

How long did u take to prepare for PART I and any other suggession to others who are preparing.?.

Thank you

VP Jain

Thank u very much for the update.
If i buy an exam voucher for Part II & III in Malaysia and try to appear in some other country for example in Singapore or India is it possible to appear or i have to submit and appear for the exam only in the country where the voucher is bought.

Please clarify and sorry for posting it again.


Congrats and all the best for your II & III Papers ahead

Thank you for your tips.


hi my name is Vijayakeerthy Parsuvanath Jain as it was difficult for the fellow ranchers to type i have shortend it to VPJAIN and until now i dont have any violation of naming policy

If time permits check my postings in ranch
If i buy an exam voucher for Part II & III in Malaysia and try to appear in some other country for example in Singapore or India is it possible to appear or i have to submit and appear for the exam only in the country where the voucher is bought.

Please clarify.


I just got 40% only in the HFS Mock Exam.

But i concentrated on where i went wrong.

I would like to thank the real heads /* authors */
for their incredible study guide and all the fellow ranchers.

A bit sad that i just got only 77 %

But being certified was an wonderful experience.



Did u go thru the entire spec of Servlet,JSP and JSTL ?
