Sandeep Papudesi

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since Feb 11, 2004
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I have cleared IBM WebSphere Portal V5.1 Application Development Exam 399 with 70%. Thanks for all ranchers for posting their valuable inputs, comments and links. I lost most of my questions on Install, Setup and Configuring development Env.

The complexity in real exam is much much higher when compared to mock exams.

I would like to take Test 397: IBM WebSphere Portal V5.1, Deployment and Administration or Test 825: IBM WebSphere Portal 6 Deployment and Administration. I am bit confused to choose between Test 397 and Test 825. I don't have any practical knowledge on IBM WebSphere Portal 6. I don't have the environment to work as well. Is it possible to take Test 825 with only theoritical knowledge.

It will be of great help if someone can share their inputs in terms of how much time is required to prepare, resource links, mock exams etc on admin exam so that it will be easy.

Thanks in advance
Hi All,

We are using Websphere Portal Server There are many users that has been created in portal server. Now we are migrating from websphere portal server to 5.1(Basically we are re installing the portal server). We need to migrate all the users that has been created in Portal Server to portal server 5.1. Is there any way to copy all the portal users.

Pls help me out!!!

Sandeep Papudesi
19 years ago
Hi All,

I am using WAS 5.0.2 and Websphere Portal Server In portal server if I type the URL http://localhost:9081/admin the admin console of WAS is exposed to all the users. I want to block the admin console by specifying a user id and password.

I have enabled the Global Security option in WAS. It works fine and I am able to login to WAS using user id and password. But the problem is when I type the URL https://localhost:9444/wps/myportal it is taking me to Login Screen but once I give user id and password it is giving me the blank screen. If I disable the gloabal security option it is working fine.

Pls help me!!!. I have refered so many posts but I am not able to find a solution.

Sandeep Papudesi
19 years ago

We are developing an application using Websphere portal server5.0.2.2. We are using JSR168 sepecification. I have assigned user to a group programatically using PUMA API. I want to know is there a way to delete the user for that group programatically using PUMA API. I am using wps.jar5.1.2. Can any one of you pls help me out.

Sandeep Papudesi
20 years ago
Hi All,

We are developing an application using Websphere portal server5.0.2.2. We are using JSR168 sepecification. We are trying to retreive the userID of the logged in user using PUMA API. I have written the code mentioned below to retreive UserID. We are getting null. Pls give me the solution if somebody has solved this problem. We are storing the user information in IBM Cloudscape database which comes by default along with portal server and
we are not using LDAP to store the user information.


public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)

PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession(); usr = ( request.getUserPrincipal();

String uid = usr.getUserID();

JSP_FOLDER = "/abbadmin/jsp/html/common";
VIEW_JSP = "Login";

Sandeep Papudesi
20 years ago
Dear Oleg Ruchovets,

I am also facing the same problem(i.e., I am getting null when I retrieve the Login User ID. We are using JSR168 specification. Can you pls help me out if you have already found the solution for this problem. We have migrated our databse from IBM cloudscape database to oracle database.

Sandeep NP
20 years ago

Can I get the URL for EJB notes prepared by murali. Thanks in advance.

Sandeep NP
Hi All,
Satish Avadhanam
venkatesh rajmendram
Isuru Suriyapperuma
Thomas De Vos
Kylash Eeshwar
Thank you very much for your tips and wishes.
Sandeep Papudesi
20 years ago
Hai Murali,
Can you pls email both the zip files to [email protected]. Thanks in advance
Hi All,
I cleared SCJP 1.4 yesterday with 90%. There is lot of questions on threads. I think I lost few questions in Garbage Collection and Threads due to carelessness.
My next exam will be SCWCD. Can any one of you suggest me the sites where I can find free mock exams for SCWCD exam.
1>First of all I would like to specially thank Dan Chisolm and Maha Anna for their wonderful collection of questions. The concepts will get very clear once we start taking all the exams from the sites.
2>Thanks to Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates for the wonderful book.
3>Thanks to all Java Ranch users.
Tips and suggestions
1> I felt Kathy Sierra is very good book for certification point of view.
2>Before taking the real exam try to give as many Mock exams as you can. This will boost our confidence and we will know in which areas we have to improve.
3>Go thru all the discussions of Maha Anna. She had very good collections based on topic wise. I felt these discussions are very useful.
4>Finally try to solve as many questions as you can from Dan Chisolm site. The real exam won't be as difficult as the questions in Dan site but the concepts will get very clear once we solve all the questions.
Once again my special thanks to all the JAVA RANCH users...

20 years ago