Richard Quist

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since Feb 18, 2004
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Recent posts by Richard Quist

You can use code similar to the following to find only those print services that support the Printable interface (java.awt.print.Printable)

I'm trying to understand how a Print Service identifies itself as supporting that flavor/interface, particularly on linux systems.

Is there some setting in the printer configuration or driver installation that marks the printer as supporting it?

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
14 years ago
If the class you're looking for is on the classpath JWhich (discussed in a tip on the javaworld web site) should help. It's similar to the *nix which command.
16 years ago
A related problem can occur if the class you're looking for is in more than one place on the classpath. Years ago I came across a tip describing JWhich on the javaworld web site. It's similar to the *nix which command.
16 years ago

I'm using the Java Print Service (JPS) API and am wrestling with how to print an image at a specific output size. Say for example that I have a BufferedImage that has a width of 500 pixels and a height of 300 pixels, and I want to print this at 100 DPI so that the output is 5 inches by 3 inches. Is there some setting (or group of settings) in the PageFormat, PrinterJob and/or PrintService classes that will allow me to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance,
16 years ago
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Brett for answering questions!

I look forward to working through the book when the copy I ordered arrives.
20 years ago
20 years ago

Originally posted by Kathy Sierra:

So I'll put that on the possibility list...

Just wanted to say how much I (and I'm sure others as well) appreciate your taking the time to answer questions, consider ideas, etc.

Thank you all.
Dare I ask if Head First Struts is on the radar at all?

Can't say I ever got "Something About Mary" ... probably one of the very few who didn't finish it...

Monty Python is almost always good...

Then there's "Weekend at Bernies", if you're looking for mindless entertainment.
20 years ago
Hi Brett,

The new jdbc rowsets look interesting....are they covered in the book?

20 years ago

I think you're right - nothing prevents you from continuing to use current practices to create your own enum. The new language feature just makes it simpler....the "automatic" part is done by the compiler which now knows about the enum keyword and does it's magic to make it work.

In its simplest form I think using the enum keyword is the way to "not create one manually"....

Or have I completely misunderstood your question?
20 years ago
In Java 1.5 enum is a keyword allowing you to define a class-like object (with behavior and state, if desired) ... it looks to be far more powerful than the C++ enums....assuming they're used appropriately

Info from Sun on enums
[ October 21, 2004: Message edited by: Richard Quist ]
20 years ago
Hi Brett,

Enums are one of the features I missed when moving from C++.... Can you tell us a bit about your coverage of these in the new book?

20 years ago
Exactly right. If it's private you can't access it UNLESS the access is made from the same class (as your first code example does).