William Brogden

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Recent posts by William Brogden

the rest controller of spring boot framework could not find the image file.

Why do you think it can't find the image file?
A reply status of 404 to me indicates it could not find the service. Are you sure it is finding the controller service?

8 years ago

Note that by using contains, line a could be longer than b by any arbitrary amount or could contain leading characters without returning false.

If you want equality, use uquals.
8 years ago
Actually, the file comparison problem can get very tricky and has consumed a lot of programmer time over the years.


Suppose the first line is missing from file b - a typical comparison program will show differences for all records - is that what is wanted?
8 years ago
If this was my problem I would be printing both "a" and "b" - you would quickly discover why it doesn't work.
8 years ago
Random thought - are you sure you closed the unzipped file?
8 years ago
Why do you think you need a JSP inside a JSP?

What is this inner JSP supposed to do?

8 years ago
The java.io.SequenceInputStream class would let you combine a stream with the missing declaration with a stream from your XML file
to produce a stream readable by your parser combining the two.

8 years ago
If this was my problem I would ensure that the contents of all those exceptions was correctly logged instead of ignored.
8 years ago
The points I have not seen raised (sorry if I missed it) are:

1. How much does this list change and how long would a sorted list be valid?

2. What changes the list and how many items are changed at one time?

8 years ago
You need to proceed in a methodical step by step fashion - trying to go directly to the final product will result in chaos.

Without knowing more about your working environment and background, I can only suggest:

1. Get a Tomcat server working on your system.

2. Compile and run some of the servlet and JSP examples provided with Tomcat. Try modifying some of the simple examples to see what happens.

3. Try creating HTML pages with the elements you need - form, list, etc - as static HTML if you are not already comfortable with HTML.

4. Get an example of the database retrieval you need as a stand alone program - possibly with command line input.

5. With all that as a base you can think about organizing your final product.

6. This is just my opinion but - I would avoid trying to use something like Eclipse  to organize the project, IDEs tend to do stuff behind your back. See the forums here for problems people have had.

8 years ago
Looking at the JavaDocs, it appears that the next() method "finds and returns the next complete token" where nextLine() looks for everything up to a line separator.

I think that next() saw two tokens - a typed word and a cr character.  The cr character triggered the not an option branch.

8 years ago
I would say the first step is developing code to accept and validate the various input types separately.

Next test code to generate JSON for each type in a separate page.

Only try to combine when you have mastered the separate types.

8 years ago

It sounds like you want to grab all of the inputs in a single Form submit - but there is no obvious way to carry the order of entry.

Seems to me you need to make each entry of an input item a separate request/response cycle.

This would have the advantage of letting you check each entry separately for validity.

Also, each time you regenerate the entry form you can show all the items that have been accepted so far - good user feedback.


8 years ago
Now I am not up to speed with the latest Java SDK - when did Thread get a cancel() method?  I see there is one in Timer.

Java 1.2 had lots of Thread methods that were determined to be dangerous because they could leave the JVM in an undefined state. See the JavaDocs for discussion of why destroy, suspend, stop, and resume are deprecated.

8 years ago
I suspect this error is thrown very early in the SOAP process, way before your SOAP code has any chance to catch it.
8 years ago