Torsten Wiederkehr

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since Feb 20, 2004
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I finally came up with the following solution:

17 years ago
I'm not only activating the frame from the task bar. I'm also using ALT-TAB or just klicking on it.
17 years ago

I tried it, but I still hang up in an endless loop :-((
17 years ago

I have got three frames. If I activate frame 1 I want to also bring frame 2 + 3 to front, but must stay to frame 1.

I tried.
public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {

This brings all frames to the front, but the focus remains at frame3.

I also tried:
public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {

This ends in an endless loop of bringing all the frames to the front again and again.
In the second version I also used a semaphore to avoid the endless loop, but it didn't work.

Any suggests how to bring multiple frames to the front if one of the is selected?


17 years ago
Hi @all,

today I passed the SCWCD with 81%. I'm a little bit disappointed because I wanted to get a higher score, but I'm still happy to passing it at all.

I used SCWCD Exam Study Kit Second Edition from from Manning to prepare. A very good book, which gets to the point very quickly. In addition I used the JWebPlusV4 application from EnthuWare, which helped me very much.


19 years ago
Hi @all,

I'm happy to tell I passed the SCJD certification.

The maximum possible score is 400; the minimum to pass is 320.
General Considerations (maximum = 100): 90
Documentation (maximum = 70): 69
O-O Design (maximum = 30): 30
GUI (maximum = 40): 28
Locking (maximum = 80): 44
Data store (maximum = 40): 40
Network server (maximum = 40): 40
=> 341 of 400

OK, I didn't put much effort in the GUI, but the 44 out of 80 for Locking is disappointing, I have to check this out.

ciao torsten
20 years ago

I'm just building my jar for submission. Where I have to put the file?

ciao torsten

I use {@inheritDoc} instead of @see, but I get the following waring for classes which implement an interface and this interface extends another interface before.

DataBaseAccessRMI warning - @inheritDoc used but delete(int) does not override or implement any method.

Should I stick to the {@inheritDoc} tag or should I use the @see tag here, to avoid the warning.

ciao torsten

I use {@inheritDoc} instead of @see now, but I get the following waring for classes which implement an interface and this interface extends another interface before.

DataBaseAccessRMI warning - @inheritDoc used but delete(int) does not override or implement any method.

Should I stick to the {@inheritDoc} tag or should I use the @see tag here, to avoid the warning.

ciao torsten
Hi @all,

I have two questions about documentation in javadoc.

1.) Do I have to document private instance variables?

2.) Do I have to document methods, which are alread documented in an interface? Or is it enought to use the @see Tag to reference to the interface?

ciao torsten
Hi @all,

I know that I must load the from my runme.jar, using an URL. But must the database file also be loaded from the runme.jar? Or can I except that the user will enter the location of the database file and I can load it from the file system?

ciao torsten
Hi @all,

in the Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide from Philip Heller and Simon Roberts they use the RMISecurityManager. I don't use it in my application sofar, an everthing runs fine. Shoud I use the RMISecurityManager?

ciao torsten

in the official SUN coding standard is stated:

Line Length
Avoid lines longer than 80 characters, since they�re not handled well by many terminals and tools.

Note: Examples for use in documentation should have a shorter line length�generally no more than 70 characters.

That's the reason why I want to break this line, but I don't know where to break.

ciao torsten

how to break this statement, because it exceeds the 80 characters mark:

IDataBaseAccess dataBaseAccess = (IDataBaseAccess)Registry.getInstance().lookupService(IDataBaseAccess.SERVICE_NAME);

IDataBaseAccess dataBaseAccess = (IDataBaseAccess)Registry.

IDataBaseAccess dataBaseAccess = (IDataBaseAccess)Registry

Is version a.) or b.) correct, or may be both are incorrect?

ciao torsten