jos vin

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since Feb 25, 2004
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I have a "TCP_ERROR" problem while connecting to a website.
Am connecting to website on a server say X from client machine using a IE browser with the site URL requesting for a page. As per the process, at this moment, the web-server connects to the database server say Y via APIs and does some backend data processing in Server X which takes about 20-30 minutes. By that time, on the client machine I get the "TCP_ERROR".
Basically, the IE browser (Client) cannot wait until the Server returns the data to the page.
How do I resolve the "TCP_ERROR" problem ?
On Server X, am using JAKARTA-TOMCAT-4.1.24 as web server.
Operating System as Window NT 5.0 Build
Memory of 1024 MB

I have a "TCP_ERROR" problem while connecting to a website.
Am connecting to website on a server say X from client machine using a IE browser with the site URL requesting for a page. As per the process, at this moment, the web-server connects to the database server say Y via APIs and does some backend data processing in Server X which takes about 20-30 minutes. By that time, on the client machine I get the "TCP_ERROR".
Basically, the IE browser (Client) cannot wait until the Server returns the data to the page.
How do I resolve the "TCP_ERROR" problem ?
On Server X, am using JAKARTA-TOMCAT-4.1.24 as web server.
Operating System as Window NT 5.0 Build
Memory of 1024 MB

20 years ago