This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Vivek Swamy

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since Feb 28, 2004
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Yesterday I cleared SCWCD with 89%. Thanks to Kathy & Bert for this wonderful book - HFSJ.
17 years ago
(E) is wrong since a filter may not call doFilter() on the FilterChain. It may generate the response itself and send back. According to (E) a filter has to compulsorily('must') call doFilter on the FilterChain to let other filters also have a chance of execution. In fact a filter can get the RequestDispatcher from the request and even forward it to other resource; this is rarely used though.

(G) very well specifies this.
For question 1 the answer is (f) and for question 2 the only correct answer i think is (c). Not sure why the questiong expects two correct choices. (f) is wrong since the function expects long. It wont automatically do new Long("3").longValue().
Hi Saran!

In (3) you can choose to have different error page to forward to for different types of business exceptions.

But in (4) for any type of business exception you will be able to forward only to the error page specified in mapping against ServletException.If this is what you want then (4) is also correct. But generally you would want to forward to error page depending on the type of business exception.