karan sarin

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Recent posts by karan sarin

BY n/w saving i mean dir have been mounted to other machine. so no extra effort is req for saving the Xml File. Its more or less a local saving of Xml for me.

Lets c wheather output stream flush and closing helps in solving the problem..
Karan Sarin
18 years ago
Program objective is to make an Xml and save it in File System over a n/w. For that i am using the following lines of code :

public boolean xmlToFile(Document document, String pathAndNameWithExtension)
if(pathAndNameWithExtension == null)
pathAndNameWithExtension = "file///XMLOutput.xml";
File file = new File(pathAndNameWithExtension);
TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformar = tFactory.newTransformer();
DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(document);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(fos);
transformar.transform(domSource, result);
System.out.println("XML Document written to Path : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
return true;
catch(TransformerConfigurationException tce)
System.out.println("[ XmlHelper / xmlToFile() ] Exception : " + tce + "\n" + tce.getStackTrace());
return false;
catch(Exception te)
System.out.println("[ XmlHelper / xmlToFile() ] Exception : " + te + "\n" + te.getStackTrace());
return false;

Now the Problem is that sometimes [Randomly] some extra characters are added in an Xml and it becomes a malformed Xml. From Logs the conclusion is Xml is Prepared correctly and no exception is thrown but while saving over a network it becomes mal-formed Xml.
is It becaues of worng use of output stream in the above code.
Plz Help
Karan Sarin
18 years ago
hi javaGurus
i am facing the problem in invocation of the web service in .net located on the remote machine.
i am using the WSIF api to do that. the exception i am getting is
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.wsif.WSIFException: Unable to find an available port
at org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFServiceImpl.getPort(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFServiceImpl.getPort(Unknown Source)
at Client.main(Client.java:30)
i am mentioning the wsdl path as: http://aravindakshan/SVWS/Service1.asmx?WSDL aravinddakshan is the machine name
the Service method is as follows:
//create a service factory
WSIFServiceFactory factory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();
WSIFService service= factory.getService(args[0],null,null,"http://tempuri.org/","SVWSSoap");

//get the port
WSIFPort port= service.getPort();
plz help as there is a deadline to meet and i am very new to the topic
20 years ago