Chee-Chan Keng

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since Mar 01, 2004
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Recent posts by Chee-Chan Keng

5/26 - passed SCEA part 2
4/30 - submitted SCEA part 2

> Passed SCEA with 85% today... will post an update after I clear part II > later
> 4/17 - passed SCEA part 1
> 4/03 - passed SCBCD
> 3/22 - passed SCJD
> 2/29 - passed SCJP
> I work full time, studied on nights and weekends, 1 book for each exam.
20 years ago
5/26 - passed SCEA part 2
4/30 - submitted SCEA part 2

> Passed SCEA with 85% today... will post an update after I clear part II > later
> 4/17 - passed SCEA part 1
> 4/03 - passed SCBCD
> 3/22 - passed SCJD
> 2/29 - passed SCJP
> I work full time, studied on nights and weekends, 1 book for each exam.

[ May 27, 2004: Message edited by: Chee-Chan Keng ]
[ May 27, 2004: Message edited by: Chee-Chan Keng ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by Alibabra Sanjie:
Unbelievable! Congradulation!!
What material did you use for your SCJD?
[ April 04, 2004: Message edited by: Alibabra Sanjie ]

You can find most of the answers in javaranch forum, the book I used is:
The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4 by Mehran Habibi, Jeremy Patterson, & Terry Camerlengo
20 years ago

Originally posted by Alibabra Sanjie:
Unbelievable! Congradulation!!
What material did you use for your SCJD?
[ April 04, 2004: Message edited by: Alibabra Sanjie ]

You can find most of the answers in javaranch forum, the book I used is:
The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4 by Mehran Habibi, Jeremy Patterson, & Terry Camerlengo
Because Head First EJB covers all the topics very well, and I felt like reading a comic book
I skim through the book once and read in detail in second read, then do the exam from 1) HF EJB book 2) 3) JDiscuss, then pass the exam (with occational reference to EJB spec)
I did the same for 2 previous certifications, 1 book each, passed SCJP on 2/29, passed SCJD on 3/22
SCEA will be a bit slow, 3 exams, and no "1 book" solution

Because Head First EJB covers all the topics very well, and I felt like reading a comic book
I skim through the book once and read in detail in second read, then do the exam from 1) HF EJB book 2) 3) JDiscuss, then pass the exam (with occational reference to EJB spec)
I did the same for 2 previous certifications, 1 book each, passed SCJP on 2/29, passed SCJD on 3/22
SCEA will be a bit slow, 3 exams, and no "1 book" solution

20 years ago
I passed SCBCD today, just want to drop a note to specially thank Head First EJB & Javaranch, 2 weeks ago I was almost new to EJB & J2EE, the book really helps!
Will be visiting SCEA section after this...

20 years ago
I passed SCBCD today, just want to drop a note to specially thank Head First EJB & Javaranch, 2 weeks ago I was almost new to EJB & J2EE, the book really helps!
Will be visiting SCEA section after this...

Hmm, need to get clarification on this...
For EJB2.0 entity beans:
Bean managed Persistence: allowed
Bean managed Transaction: not allowed
Container managed Persistence: allowed
Container managed Transaction: allowed
Can somebody please clarify this ASAP? I am taking SCBCD exam this saturday
That's a good point, looks like I should study SCEA, otherwise the new SCWCD will mislead me designs... for example, in EJB, BMP is superior than CMP in version 1.1 but not in 2.0.
SCWCD is web-component certification.
I just need to get some advice... I don't have much experience for SCWCD & SCEA, should I study for SCEA first since there are books available for SCEA while there's no new SCWCD 1.4 books available yet?
Somebody told me it helps with SCWCD, but there's no new books for the new exam yet, is it worth the effort to get SCWCD in praparation for SCEA?
I just need to get some advice... I don't have much experience for SCWCD & SCEA, should I study for SCEA first since there are books available for SCEA while there's no new SCWCD 1.4 books available yet?
Does getting SCWCD helps studies for SCEA?
I just started reading the book but I couldn't pass all 3 mock exams on first chapter
I have a few questions:
1. On the mock answers (pg 60), it mentioned spec 30, 25-26, where are these info on EJB 2.0 spec??? what page are they in my spec named "ejb-2_0-fr2-spec.pdf"??
2. The same page also mentioned MDB, what is MDB?
3. The 3 mock questions really kicked my confidence, should I read through J2EE and EJB spec before reading this book? Should I do the J2EE & EJB tutorials provided by Sun first? geez... I hope the answer is no...

Hi Vish,
Here's my class structure:
- interface is
- SUN's required class is
- my is accessed by multiple threads from Data. So methods in Data are not synchronized, but methods in Database is.
What do you mean by explicit locking? can you give an example of explicit locking?
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