kapil bhate

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since Mar 04, 2004
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Recent posts by kapil bhate

in interview he asked me that You are using rmi for accessing remote object ok but if i used two classes on diff. machine in lan and if i can access the another java file's method by creating object so what is diff.between rmi and java ?i amm biginner to rmi so please help me!!!
20 years ago
is anybody tell me the diff. between java virtual machine(jvm)and java runtime environment please?
20 years ago
I write jsp and access through browser ,if i make any changes & refresh that browser it has 'class cast exception' ie.it has cache problem when i delete it from cache then no problem how can i recover from this?can i write some code in my jsp so that cache problem never face?please help
thanks in advance
20 years ago
i amm working on jsp with oracle and server is weblogic .but heard about JSF.so anybody please give me some basics about JSF?and where I have to use in my project?
20 years ago
please anybody tell me diff. between arraylist and vector?and which is better to use ?also i know only differnce is that vector is Syncronized
20 years ago
thanks chris for reply .........
20 years ago
thanks varun so what is solution for it?how i amm using that script value in sql query?or never?
pl. reply
20 years ago
hi can anybody explain me the difference between Jar file, War file and Zip file.please reply
thanks in advance
20 years ago
in same jsp one value i have to select from combo ok.then on click i call one function in that function i write one (jsp) sql in that query i want to take value from that combo and depending on that value i want to fetch record which i want to populet.(same page)all dynamically..
20 years ago

Originally posted by Varun Khanna:

- So you are having a SQL query string in the Javascript function.
- And you are picking the value of the combo and appending it in the SQL string.
(something like
var sql ="Select ......." + document.formname.comboname.value + "...");
- Now you are passing the "sql" query value to the server (may be through some hidden variable) and executing it in server .
thanks varun so what is solution for it?how i amm using that script value in sql query?
pl. reply
- Displaying the result back in JSP.
That helped?
P.S. Do remember that the Javascript code is executed at the client side and Java code at the server side.
[ March 04, 2004: Message edited by: Varun Khanna ]

20 years ago
thanks varun so what is solution for it?how i amm using that script value in sql query?or never?
pl. reply
20 years ago

Originally posted by Varun Khanna:

- So you are having a SQL query string in the Javascript function.
- And you are picking the value of the combo and appending it in the SQL string.
(something like
var sql ="Select ......." + document.formname.comboname.value + "...");
- Now you are passing the "sql" query value to the server (may be through some hidden variable) and executing it in server .
thanks varun so what is solution for it?how i amm using that script value in sql query?
pl. reply
- Displaying the result back in JSP.
That helped?
P.S. Do remember that the Javascript code is executed at the client side and Java code at the server side.
[ March 04, 2004: Message edited by: Varun Khanna ]

20 years ago

Originally posted by Varun Khanna:

Where are you executing this SQL statement?
In the same JSP where your javascript variable is present? :roll:

yes in same jsp i amm using that script nariable value!
pl. reply
20 years ago

Originally posted by kapil java:
i write one jsp in that i used one combo box and selecting value from combo which i take in reg_form1.hdnCustType.value form now i want to use this value in jsp

i am using same page not forwarding request to another page.
20 years ago
i write one jsp in that i used one combo box and selecting value from combo which i take in reg_form1.hdnCustType.value form now i want to use this value in jsp
20 years ago