Yi Zou

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since Mar 05, 2004
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I think the latest Enterprise Javabean from Oreilly has a workbook. If you look at their examples, every client has a jndi properties. Or you can download JBoss, they have a document called Getting Started with JBoss, you can get information how to setup your J2EE application in JBoss
It's the Home that's get serielized, not bean itself.
Here is one way I want to use it:
You can send this home handle through MDB as a message, on client side, you can get the Home without going through JNDI call. That's a big performance increase.
The way client find out IP stuff is through JNDI properties file. There you can specify the host name and port number of the JNDI services. After that, you always use JNDI to get remote stub.
In a few weeks?
Boy, I just passed a few weeks back, what a waste!?
Isn't this nested transaction that aren't supported by current EJB?
My understanding:
ejbRemove/ejbCreate in MDB is not triggered by client (no client in MDB). It's up to the container to determine when to use these callbacks. Therefore there is no meaningful transaction context during ejbCreate/ejbRemove, hense you cannot call getUserTransaction.

It's enuf to pass, but might not enuf to understand why EJB is designed this way.
I think Reflection API is for EJB Container tool developement.
As for Bean Developer, better focus on business application instead of under the hood tweaking.
A newbie's question:
When using ActionForm to validate data, if there is no error generated, the controller pass the ActionForm obj to Action to further process the request.
My question is what if there is error, where does controller forward the request to?
20 years ago
Hi, all,
In First Head EJB book, it says you can get client security info in ebjCreate, ejbRemove, ejbPassivate and ejbActivate.
But in EJB spec page 90, the chart there shows you can only do this
business method.
(Unless, there is other ways to get security info instead of isCallerinRole
Anyone has any idea?
What's the purpose to keep the old version if you can't access it from code?
In EJB spec page 410, it says each redeployment results a new home and a new set of enviroment values.
Does this mean an EJB can have multiple ENV sets?
If it does, how can we tell which home,thus which set of env we are using?

I thought each redeployment will erase the old version, appearently the specs say the other way.

In the book Head First EJB:
Page 545: Dumb Question No.1 it says The only thing you can throw in callbacks is EJBException.
Page 547: Scenarios No.3, it ask what to do if you throw CreateException in ejbCreate().

CreateException extends Exception, not a runtime execption.

Anyone clear this?
To my under standing,
Network mode: you need to ask user to input hostname and port number
Local mode: you need to ask user to input the path of the file.
You can design different GUI for netwok mode and local mode.