Syed Khurram Anwar

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since Mar 05, 2004
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Recent posts by Syed Khurram Anwar

How to use it in the following class as foreign key?

Thanks. I am new to Hibernate. Would you please tell me the syntax that how will I use this key in another class as foreign key?

I read the book "Hibernate Made Easy" by Cameron. He has explained 3 ways to use embeddable class

1 - @id

2 - @IdClass

3 - @EmbeddedId

I have used the first one.
I have a class HardwareConfiguration which contains a composite primary key. I have done that using JPA Annotations. Here is the code:

Here is the class for composite primary key:

Now I want to use this composite primary key as a foreign key in another class. How can I do that using annotations. here is the class which is using this composite key as foreign key:

I am using Spring Webflow 1.0. There is only one root flow without any subflows. There are 5 pages in the flow so, 5 controllers are being used in the whole flow. When i terminate the flow with an end state, and go back to the flow again, I can see the variables set by a controller during previous flow, which are not even in any scope but they were variables of a controller which still exist even after end of the flow. What is the reason? is it a bug?
15 years ago