fred snow

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since Mar 06, 2004
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Recent posts by fred snow

Originally posted by herb slocomb:
I guess that's the same "principle"

i guess that's the same "principle" for all the countries, except russia
20 years ago
the vehicle i am having "check engine" problem with.
[ March 23, 2004: Message edited by: fred snow ]
20 years ago
thanks. i will give it a try soon.
20 years ago
to my understanding, with <image> tag, you can post a picture on the internet, but how do you post a picture on your computer hard drive?
[ March 22, 2004: Message edited by: fred snow ]
20 years ago
dear ranchers:
i was wondering how to post pictures in the ranch? i remember reading similar post before, but can not find it, could any rancher give me some hint or provide a link?
thanks a lot!
20 years ago
sweet 16!
kentucky and stanford are out!
20 years ago
i got the same problem on my jeep. the problem started more than 1 year ago. since then i reset fuse, changed battery,.. each time the light went away, but come back later, i also took it to a garage, they can not fix it either. i searched the internet, it looks like this problem is pretty common among all kinds of vehicles. and most people think it is not serious.
several months ago, when i had oil changed, i asked the guy reset the light again. now it works, it never come back again. but then i realized he probablly did something wrong, because my car alarm is not working any more.
[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: fred snow ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by herb slocomb:

The genocide of Tibet is funny?
As I suspected, Fred Snow is an agent of Chinese govt.
As we know, the Chinese govt has employees post not only in forums such as this but also in AOL forums and chat rooms. I also encountered such people during the time when the Communists shot down the US surveillance plane in international waters.

i think you are OBL himself!
20 years ago

Originally posted by Ashok Mash:

Fred, its common knowledge that a question doesn't answer another question!

ashok, i will get back to you later. one thing i want to point is:
if pakistan is not an ally of china, then pakistan president may become dalai the second, do you agree?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Capablanca Kepler:
Yes,Dalai Lama was given protection by India years back when Chinese premiers were on his hunt.Communists in China have massacred many Tibeteans in the past but bcos of their secrative style of working nobody outside China knows whats going on there.

information source? don't tell me it is indiana jones and lost temple
20 years ago

Originally posted by Paul McKenna:

Can you then explain why the Dalai Lama has to seek refuge in India? Why he cannot even today return to his home?

can you explian why pakistan is an ally of china?
20 years ago

Originally posted by herb slocomb:
Look how they invaded Tibet and committed genocide. Nobody said nothing. Nobody did nothing. The entire world - All hypocrites and cowards. And the US press and media with a liberal bias and sympathy to communism said nothing while atrocities occurred and even now says very limited amount.

this is one of the funnest comment i ever heard. what is your information source? Brad Pitt and "Seven Years In Tibet"?
20 years ago

Originally posted by herb slocomb:

and with all honest, hardworking, freedom loving people around the world who are resisting tyranny.

i can tell you chinese is one of most hardworking people in the world. look at the achievement they have got over last 20 years, can you image where they are at 20 years from now? look at agentina, russia, africa, or other country, can you say chinese is not hard working?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Billy Tsai:
Right now in the DMZ majority of the North korean SCUD missiles and artillaries targeting South Korea are all from China, all the AK47 that the Taliban regime used were all made in China.

weapon is part of international trade. i do not see anything wrong with chinese made ak47 in the hands of taliban. someone kill other people, are you going to blame the gun manufacturer? in your logic, the designer of ak47 is also guilty. former soviet union design it, should soviet still be blamed?

Originally posted by Billy Tsai:
lies shamelessly to the world about how much they love peace but targeting long range tactical missiles at its neighbouring countries in Asia

do you know how many missiles were aimed at china? how many missiles US and russia have? where do they aim those missiles?

Originally posted by Billy Tsai:

In USA, New Zealand, Australia they all speak the English language and their ancestor all from
Britian, but in America they call themselves Americans, they dont speak American they speak English. In Australia they call themselves Australians(aussies), and in New Zealand they call themselves New Zealanders(kiwi).
There is no Americans running for or allowed to run for the prime minister of Austrlia and NZ!
New Zealanders can't run for the prime minister of Australia!
Austrlian can not run for the prime minister of New Zealand!
and only Americans can run for the president of United States of America.
In Taiwan should only have Taiwanese that can run for presidents of taiwan , taiwan's
future is decided by taiwanese not by Chinese .

have you heard of independence war? did UK let american go independent with smile on face? have you heard of te war between UK and argentina at folkner islands?
[ March 18, 2004: Message edited by: fred snow ]
20 years ago
maybe you are right, but i heard "might makes right"...
20 years ago