kundan varma

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since Mar 08, 2004
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Recent posts by kundan varma


I need to get some information from another system's database which continuously changes for different subscribers. The system is ready to expose webservice to lookup the information but that would mean lot of data on the network and i have to lookup every min for changed data.

Other way is to get the data as messages and do a message based integration.

I feel old message based integration better in this scenario. What are your suggestions or thought on this usecase and kind of integration pattern to use.

9 years ago

Now my understanding is a bit clear but i have one question.

When a url is given to client for subscribing to Atom Feed then we create a atomfeed xml on server and keep updating it with change in subscription


when a request from ATOM FEED client comes to that URL then we dynamically create atom xml and return.


PLease clarify if someone has any experience with RSS/Atom feed.

Best Regards,
13 years ago
Hi Herbert,

I believe what you are suggesting is emailing that something got changed. But i want to use ATOM Feed technology for it so that he can check that something got updated using some ATOM Feed client.

Best Regards,
13 years ago

I am wondering how can i publish ATOM Feed using java. I want to give the option of subscribing ATOM FEED to all items which are getting displayed in some table(like books as line items).

Any help? Is this right forum to ask this question

13 years ago
Hi Peter,

I cannot change version as this is project requirement and standard. Also the same thing works with my desktop so i am confused why it is not working on my laptop. Also checkout works from svn but if i checkout a project from subversion and then import in eclipse then this problem arise.

Hi Friends,

I am facing an error while integrating svn with eclipse 3.1.

The error details are

org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'D:\kundan\Realisation'; please get a newer Subversion client.

The version of svn installed on my machine are
1) TortoiseSVN Version 1.5.3
2) CollabNetSubversion-client-1.5.4-1.win32.exe
3) Subclipse 0.9.105 - this is the plugin for eclipse.

Please let me know if anybody knows the solution of this problem.

Thanks in advance,


I was parsing a text file by reading it line by line and using string tokenizer with tab delim. The format of the line is like
"kundan" tab "verma" tab "india"
so using stringTokenizer("/t")
but now i am getting tab inside double quotes like "kundan " so stringtokeniser tokenise data inside double quotes also. How to get rid of this problem.

Please suggest,

16 years ago
Hi all,

I am getting following error while calling a webservice

There is a binding error associated with activity. Start
BWENGINE-100031 Output data invalid
caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXException: validation error: unexpected content "OrderSimCard"; expected "{http://ipl.netcom.no/200707/ResourceManager}OrderSimCardRequest" ({com.tibco.xml.validation}COMPLEX_E_UNEXPECTED_CONTENT) at /{http://ipl.webservice.netcom.no/resourcedomain/resourcemanager}OrderSimCardRequest[1]/part1[1]/OrderSimCard[1]
com.tibco.xml.validation.exception.d: unexpected content "OrderSimCard"; expected "{http://ipl.netcom.no/200707/ResourceManager}OrderSimCardRequest"
validation error: no declaration for element "OrderSimCard" ({com.tibco.xml.validation}COMPLEX_E_MISSING_ELEMENT_DECLARATION) at /{http://ipl.webservice.netcom.no/resourcedomain/resourcemanager}OrderSimCardRequest[1]/part1[1]/OrderSimCard[1]
com.tibco.xml.validation.exception.i: no declaration for element "OrderSimCard"

The input data i am sending is (got through TCPMON)

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*
User-Agent: Axis/1.2.1
Host: localhost:8082
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
SOAPAction: "/Services/ResourceDomain/ResourceManagerService/ResourceManagerPort/OrderSimCard"
Content-Length: 1526

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><soapenv:Header><ns1:AnnotationRoot soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:ns1="http://ipl.netcom.no/version2.0/annotation"><ns1:clienttraceid>kuve8974-1-1184578372950</ns1:clienttraceid><ns1:callsequencetrace>no.netcom.webservice.ipl.ResourceDomain.ResourceManager.ResourceManagerFixture.doOrderSimCard</ns1:callsequencetrace><ns1:endusername>kuve8974</ns1:endusername></ns1:AnnotationRoot><ns2 rderSimCardRequest xmlns:ns2="http://ipl.netcom.no/200707/ResourceManager"><ns3:AnnotationRoot xsi:type="ns3:Annotation" xmlns:ns3="http://ipl.netcom.no/version2.0/annotation"><ns3:clienttraceid>1111</ns3:clienttraceid><ns3:callsequencetrace>222</ns3:callsequencetrace></ns3:AnnotationRoot><ns2 rganization><Address><POBoxAddress><boxNr>10</boxNr><boxName>bno</boxName><city>oslo</city><iso3countryCode>122</iso3countryCode><postcode>111</postcode></POBoxAddress><UrbanAddress><streetName>st . hanhaugen</streetName><streetNr>92600070</streetNr><streetNrSuffix>123</streetNrSuffix><city>oslo</city><iso3countryCode>122</iso3countryCode><postcode>111</postcode><floorNumber>22</floorNumber><doorNumber>33</doorNumber></UrbanAddress></Address></ns2 rganization><ns2:numberOfSimCards>20</ns2:numberOfSimCards></ns2 rderSimCardRequest></soapenv:Header><soapenv: Body><OrderSimCard xmlns=""/></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

Any Idea what is wrong

Thanks and Regards,
17 years ago
Hi All,

I am getting following error while calling fitnesse test which will use client(stub)to call webservice devloped in TIBCO. Any help or suggestion

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to find the ...PortAddress method in classno.netcom.webservice.ipl.resourcedomain.resourcemanager.ResourceManagerServiceLocator. Sure the WSDL naming convention is followed?
at no.netcom.webservice.ipl.IPLServiceFixture.createStub(IPLServiceFixture.java:112)
at no.netcom.webservice.ipl.resourcedomain.resourcemanager.ResourceManagerFixture.orderSimCard(ResourceManagerFixture.java:93)
at no.netcom.webservice.ipl.resourcedomain.resourcemanager.ResourceManagerFixture.doOrderSimCard(ResourceManagerFixture.java:62)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
at fit.TypeAdapter.invoke(Unknown Source)

Thanks and REgards,
17 years ago

can some body tell me free certification sites where i can practice exams.
i know javacertificate.com.

Thanks and Regards,
Hi All,

I am not sure whether this is the right place to put this query or not. If not please push this to whichever forum you want. But i feel this is a pattern/architecture level question so can be put here and there are more architects visiting this place than anywhere else.

I have a webshpere server cluster of 3 nodes and a websphere MQ cluster. They have 1 reply queue per service. So these reply queues are shared in MQ cluster. Now the problem is most of the time if a message is put on reply queue and is intended for node 1 of Websphere server cluster but the listener running on node 2 consumes this message and node 1 gets nothing.

I have one solution for this like
I can have one reply queue per node in websphere server cluster but i am looking for better suggestions by my favorite forum.

Any suggestions??

Thanks and Regards,
Hi All,

Is there any standard way by which we can exclude first and last line of the file. I need to read just the body of a file and want to ignore header and footer. Any standard available in java api to do this.

Thank and Regards,
18 years ago
Hi All,
If i need synchonize List then which one is better, vector or Collection.synchonizeList(new ArrayList) and why.
Thanks and Regards,
18 years ago
Hi All,
Is there any tool like velocity available which can convert from template to java object. Like velocity does for string or file kind of format. I want to do the opposite like changing from string or file or may be converting file to map and from map to object.
Any tool available.