Originally posted by George Lin
do you mean the content of the "cloned" table "my2ndTable" could be affected by the original object reference "m"?
Originally posted by George Lin
I do not agree with this point.I think we can copy MyClass objects manually, by creating new objects and set the values for each of its member variable field, even though it is not an efficient and intelligent method. I am wondering why you mentioned the "Cloneable" interface at this point?
Output is
I am wondering what is the use of Interface "Externalizable"
I have tested that the output is true, which is not the same as we imagined. Do you know what is the reason?
String's are immutable
Do you mean shallow copy of clone related concepts means copy only the reference?
Could you please show me some sample source codes dealing with why shallow copy is not enough and deep copy is needed?
I am wondering whether all the keys and values are needed to be serializable if I want to use your method
that doesn't use the "split()" method in class "java.lang.String