Raju Sri

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Recent posts by Raju Sri

Hi all,

I have passed the SCDJWS exam with 86%. I have used below materials in my preparation.
1)RMH J2EE WebServices
3)Mikalai Zaikin's

19 years ago
Hi ji jim,

Congratulation.Thats fantastic score. Your tips are really helpful for those who are going to take the exam.

Hi Valentin,

Thanks for your reply.I understand your point.I think I didn't post the question properly. I didn't mean to remembering all the xml elements in jaxrpc-mapping file. I think you misunderstand me.I just want to know what kind of questions can come on jaxprc-mapping file in exam point of view.I know without having good understanding and practical experience it is not advisable to take the exam.

Hi Valentin,

I would like to know whether any specic question like below will come in the exam which are related to jaxrpc-mapping-file.

Q)What is the parent element of "wsdl-service-name" in jaxrpc-mapping-file?
Q)What does "wsdl-message" element in jaxrpc-mapping-file describes?

Why I am asking is because of huge number of elements in the jaxrpc-mapping-file which are quite difficult to remember.

So my question is ,do we really need to know the in depth details of jaxrpc-mapping-file contents ?

Hi all,

I just want to know how important is to know the java-wsdl-mapping file content in exam point of view. Are there any specific question about the java-wsdl-mapping file elements ?.

Hi Peer Reynders,

First let me congratulate you on your success.

I know I answered wrong all questions of: What feature was added/removed/modified changed between version X.X.X and X.X.Y in (WSDL,SOAP,BP). There were 3-4 of these darn questions.

As per above message,can you tell me what kind of questions are comming in exam ? Do we need to keep track of all versions of WSDL,SOAP and BP for exam ?
Can you please tell me more details on how to prepare about these questions.

Hi Friends,

Whizlabs has improved all of its Exam Simulators.They are good now. When you download the SCDJWS trail software from http://www.whizlabs.com/scdjws/scdjws-details.html
You will get below 2 things.
1) Free mock exam of 22 questions with answers
2) One complete Diagnostic exam with 69 questioins but there is no answers.

Eventhough there are no answers, all these questions are very helpful in preparation.

If you like the questions very much then you can buy the software also.

Hi Slava,

We should follow as per WS-I Basic profile at least for exam point of view. For example as per WSDL we can use HTTP,SMTP and FTP protocols but WS-I Basic profile restrict to only HTTP.So we no need to worry about the WSDL conflicts with WS-I basic profile.We will always follow as per WS-I Basic Profile 1.0.

So soapAction is not required and we can omit it.

Please correct me If I am wrong.

Hi Valentin,

Thanks for clearing my doubt.

Hi Ranchers,

What do you think the correct answer for this question.

Q)The WS-I Basic Profile 1.0a requires SOAP messages to be transported over the HTTP protocol.

As per basic profile I think "True" is correct.
The basic profile limits the underlying transport protocol to HTTP.
A wsdl:binding element in a DESCRIPTION MUST specify the HTTP transport protocol with SOAP binding. Specifically, the transport attribute of its soapbind:binding child MUST have the value "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http".
Note that this requirement does not prohibit the use of HTTPS.

But as per the above statement HTTPS is also allowed. So now the question becomes tricky with this. As HTTPS also allowed, do we need to say "False" as the answer ??.

Pls clarify my doubt.

Hi friends,

I would like to know , can we leave the Chapter 6 - "Enterprise Application Integration" of Blue Prints.

Do I need to study this chapter for Exam prepartion?.

Hi all,

I would like to know the scope of prepartion in security concepts.

Do we need to know how to develop SAML,DigitalSignatures,XKMS etc in J2EE ?.
If we know the concepts of these technologies, is that enough for exam ?.
Because as far as I know these technologies are implemented in J2EE JSR API.
So my question is do we need to get code knowledge of sample using JSR API?.

Another doubt I have is regarding the XML elements of Security concepts. There are many XML elements for Encryption,DigitalSignatures,SAML etc. Do we need to remember them for the exam ?

Pls give some guidence to prepare for exam on Security topic regarding which topics we can leave and which topics we have to focus more in exam point of view.

Hi Valentin,

Thank you very much for your suggestion.

Hi ,

I think SOAP with attachments is not approved by Basic Profile 1.0a. But in the objectives of SCJWSD I have seen like below.
Create a SOAP message that contains an attachment.

For this do I need to study all SOAP attachment chapters in Appendix of RMH (J2EE WebServices) book ?. How much study is required for this in the exam point of view?.

Hi all,

Can some one pls guide to install and test IBM websphere portal.

I have tried by installing Websphere Studio and Websphere Portal toolkit.
But some where it is asking to get the files from Websphere Portal CD#2. I am just confused to install the portal.From web I can able to find to download only Webspher Portal Toolkit.I couldn't able to find the Software for IBM Websphere Portal.

pls suggest me on how to successfully install websphere portal. I want to evaluate this product for myself.


19 years ago