Hello Everyone
I have a XML in the following form..
Ofcourse, this XML has lots of presentation attributes which I have deleted in order to make things less complicated at this ranch. In the process of transforming this XML to another XML, I have a template which prints the text value in the 'Data' tag.
Way I am doing this in my XSL is calling the snippet below while looping through the 'Cell' nodes.
If you notice in the XML, my 4th cell node has an index=5. Under such situation, I would like to call my 'Data' template twice (index-position+1). Similarly, if my 10th node had an index=20, I would like to call this template (20-10+1 = 11) times. Can I achieve this using XSLT? None of apply-templates or call-templates seem to have an attribute which says 'number of times'. Nor can I find one something similar.
Your Input will be highly appreciated.