Sandeep Advani

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 11, 2004
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Recent posts by Sandeep Advani

Reconfigure a new domain and remember the password this time...:-)

Unless there is a way which I would like to know too....

PS: Did you try looking at the startup script files where you supply the WL_User and WL_Password?
19 years ago
Hello Everyone

I have a XML in the following form..

Ofcourse, this XML has lots of presentation attributes which I have deleted in order to make things less complicated at this ranch. In the process of transforming this XML to another XML, I have a template which prints the text value in the 'Data' tag.

Way I am doing this in my XSL is calling the snippet below while looping through the 'Cell' nodes.

If you notice in the XML, my 4th cell node has an index=5. Under such situation, I would like to call my 'Data' template twice (index-position+1). Similarly, if my 10th node had an index=20, I would like to call this template (20-10+1 = 11) times. Can I achieve this using XSLT? None of apply-templates or call-templates seem to have an attribute which says 'number of times'. Nor can I find one something similar.

Your Input will be highly appreciated.

You can probably store these files individually instead of jarring them up. In this way, custom patches does not require creating a new ear and war file.
Depends what are you using to transform XML.

For example, if you are using javax.xml.transform.Transformer package, the object supports a method setParameter. Similarly, if this is on the client side, the method goes by the name addParameter.

Hope this helps !
Hello everyone,

I am extracting a huge XML from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet object which in turn goes through a XSL document to retrieve a smaller XML.

Following is the input XML.

My XSL document:

After running the code, strangely I do not see any output. Moreover, it does not execute the template matching Row and Cell nodes for whatever reasons it may be that I am interested in. Any pointers will be highly appreciated?


Edit Comment: Disabled all smiles in this post and painfully edited the thread for better display, fingers-crossed.
[ September 08, 2005: Message edited by: Madhav Lakkapragada ]
Guess I will start a newer and cleaner thread assuming people are ignoring due to 2 replies attached already.
There is also a SAX implementation of XSLT - its a hybrid version called STX. This will help in maintaining the cache size in dealing with this huge XML file without loading it all together.
Updated XML and XSL are as follows. Just realized that there were typos in the prev apologies.



Question: Would like to know the reason why it does not enter the templates? Output appears all the text data which is printed due to built-in templates behavior.

Kindly ignore the smileys
The big grin is ": D"

I am trying to convert XML returned from Microsoft spreadsheet object into a smaller XML by applying XSL transformation.


In the process to extract selected data and create a much smaller XML, my output does not produce anything. XSLT written by me as follows:

Any pointers on what possibly might be wrong here which reasons out on not producing any data back?

look at server directory.
something like weblogic700/server/lib.
19 years ago
Did you try viewing the transaction descriptor for the particular object using the admin console?

Go to Applications - yourEJBapplication - Edit the application descriptor - drill down your bean on the left panel.
19 years ago
Try using Proxy Sniffer. Though its a load testing tool, you can check for HTTP requests being made along with time taken for each.

You can even try putting a debugger statement with javascript code to step through them. Put up alert statements calculating the time difference between each functions.
19 years ago
Nevermind - I got it using the Oracle replace function.
Replaced single quotes with double.
19 years ago
Hello Friends

I have a cursor which reads columns FirstName and LastName from table A into 2 variables which is then used to insert their values in Table 2. The insert statement is first constructed as a String. Unfortunately some of these values have a single-quote already in them; hence string construction surrounded by single-quotes fails for certain records. Double-quotes does not work either.

Is there any workaround to escape single-quotes in the names values?


PS: Google could not provide much details either...I am sure my keywords were not right...:-(
19 years ago