Hari priya

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since Mar 11, 2004
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Recent posts by Hari priya

Thanks for responses folks.

We will never use direct System calls in Java but for understanding sake...as I was asked a question something similar to this in performance aspects.

BTW - is it true that there will be better performance using File I/O and NOT with using System calls? I never understood how...
13 years ago

Hello all -

I need hep in understanding 2 things -

1)I was looking at the source code of the Arrays.copyOf and seems like it uses System.arrayCopy.

but this is what is declared in System.arrayCopy -

What is happening here? I do understand that Java is relying on the native calls to copy teh array but jsut interested in details.

2 ) the other question is there are 2 ways of deleting the file - example if you want to remove a file, you do it by calling file.delete() or Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm filename"); performance wise which is better? I was told that using file io is better but I dont understand how.

13 years ago

I meant - can we write our own function to do that?

for example -

I tried to get all available timezones and checked if the raw offset falls within a range of US timezones but noticed that it is also returning Mexican timezones.
I tried to parse for the string "America/" but there could other timezone strings that satrt with "America/" that do not belong to US.

Badly need to do this using JDK.
14 years ago

Hi -

Is there a way to get all the timezones that belong to a country in Java? I know there no direct method in the java.util.TimeZone class but wondering if there is a workaround.

14 years ago

Hi there -

I have my tomcat up and running without any errors. It used to work fine but when I am runnign now and tryign to access http://localhost:8080 it is giving me 404 error. I don't know what went wrong. I checked teh server.xml and it is pointing to 8080. Can some one help with fix this?

tocmat version I am running is 5.5

15 years ago
Thanks David!

Can you also answer these questions-

what is the advantage of using this kind of nested interface? Will C have the properties of A and B?
15 years ago
I am not sure if my question belongs to the advance forum but I am hoping to get some good advices here..
I have seen the following section in my code base .

Isn't this same as -

what is the advantage of using this kind of nested interface? Will C have the properties of A and B? What does C implements A.B mean exactly??
Kindly advise.
15 years ago
Thanks for your response Merrill.
I have set the arraylist in the session scope as you have mentioned.
Just wanted to know if there was a way to avoid it but it seems to be a more convenient way.

Thanks again!
18 years ago
Hello all,

I have a form which has an ArrayList of Customer objects.

priavte ArrayList custList;
//getter and setter methods

private String fname;
private String lname;
//other variables and get set methods

Can some one let me know how to declare a hidden field for the custList in the struts jsp? Thanks a lot for your help.
18 years ago
...and BTW thank you very very much Merrill. I have been struggling to get this working since yest..
18 years ago
Hi Meriill,

Actually, I had to make a slight modification to your code and it worked. Its just that I had to place the quotes crrectly... let me post it here so that it might be helpful to some one.

18 years ago
Hi Merrill,

Firstly, many thank for tyrign to help me out.
I tried that but the checkbox completely vanished.
This is what I see when I click the view source.

18 years ago
Hello all,

I need to send a jsp variable to the javascript fucntion. Some how it is not working well. Can any one suggest me a way to do it?
The following alert prints <%= id %> in the alert box but not the value.
Any ideas on how to do it?
The check box is in the logic:iterate tag and my goal is to associate an id to the check box and pass it to the javascript variable.

function view(id){

<html:checkbox property="user" onKlick="view('<%= id %>')"/>
18 years ago
Hello all,

I have a jsp page with an IFrame. The jsp page has a form A assigend to it and the IFrame has a Form B assigned to it.

Now, I need to use a property of Form A in the IFrame. Is it possible to do this? Thanks!
18 years ago