Deepa Guha

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since Mar 12, 2004
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Recent posts by Deepa Guha

can an iframe supress a javascript alert ?. I am having an iframe call a javascript method which again opens another iframe, but the javascript alert doesnot appear on the screen.

can anyone help?
I am getting this error

javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException: Could not find variable with the name of ...

The variable is in a java scriplet, is that the problem or the is the problem with xalan/xerces jars.

any idea anyone?
18 years ago
I am trying to connect to oracle from websphere 6.0. I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jdbc/pool/OracleConnectionPoolDataSource

I have this class in and it is included in the Java build path of the RAD. then why this error? Is it bcoz of the zip file instead of JAR. Does websphere except it in a JAR file? or shld there be any classpath problem?

Any thoughts on this?

18 years ago
WHen I start my application on websphere, I get "Did not realize init() exception thrown by servlet" error. The servlets for which this error happens are in web.xml.

IBM site suggests, that the servlet class is in the classpath. Is there a way to check this?

pls help
18 years ago
Any idea why the error?
19 years ago
Error Msg 1: Failed to read schema document 'null', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.

Error Msg 2: The prefix "wsdl" for attribute "wsdl:arrayType" associated with an element type "xsd:attribute" is not bound.
19 years ago
I am migrating my code from tomcat to websphere 6.0. There are some exceptions from WSDL files which are working fine in Tomcat.

Any idea why this is happening. I can post the exact error message if need be.

19 years ago
I have a pull down to list countries on my form. When the user selects a country, it refreshes the page by calling the backend (Java) code (This is primarily done to update a bean). When the page returns the focus on the country field is lost. In order to fix this, I placed a <a name> tag in the html right before the country tag and call the javascript function below:

function setCountryFocus(){

Problem: If I keep hitting the countries starting with "F", sometimes the focus goes to the BROWER's FILE->NEW. If it starts with "V" it goes to BROWSER's ->VIEW.

Can someone help me with this. Need to fix this bug asap.


is it possible, any workaround thro which a protected member of a class can be accessed from non-derived classes?.

Will type casting an object to its class type help in any way?

19 years ago
Hi all,
I am going start preparing for my SCWCD exam.I would like to know if any of you who have given the exam is willing to sell the book -- Head first Servlets and JSP book ?

Pls let me know.

How many providers of Linux are available in the market.I am doing an evaluation... need help.

One of them I know is RedHat.

19 years ago
Hi All,

I have been looking for a job in the U.S for quite sometime now.Nothing is coming my way.I was recently introduced to which lists projects for freelance work.

I would like to know on how they operate.The site gives brief project details but no contact info abt the employer.I want to know how they make payments?

20 years ago

I hv an interview with Robert Half next week.I wanto know on how they conduct these interviews .How is their written tests?

Pls pass-on some tips if u have interviewed with them earlier...

20 years ago

I have 5 yrs experience and looking for a job in MN, is there a salary calculator that I can use for free?.

I have worked in Java for 3 yrs.what will be the typical salary for a person with my experience?

20 years ago

I am looking for a Job in the US.Most of the jobs ask for RUP(Rational Unified Process).I have worked in Rational Rose.How should I project myself in the interview and talk abt RUP.

20 years ago