Frank Hale

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since Mar 25, 2000
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Recent posts by Frank Hale

Good luck... I am also studying for the SCJP. I'm currently reading K&B's book. I simply cannot read 2-3 chaps a day though... the kidz interrupt me. Of course I've been meaning to get this damn SCJP for about 8 years now. I'm thinking of January to take the test but we'll see if the kidz allow me enough uninterrupted time to study and make this date. HAHA. Good luck to you!
[ November 21, 2008: Message edited by: Frank Hale ]

Originally posted by Dustin Yonak:
Got it, I just moved all of the following into the DrawPanel class.

I was getting ready to say if this was a subclass you created you could extend it to do the required functionality. Glad it's working for ya.
16 years ago

I substituted your DrawPanel for a JPanel then used the JPanel add method to add the JLabel. Seems to work. Not sure if this is what you are intending to do though.
16 years ago
[Bear edit: non-responsive reply elided]
[ March 11, 2005: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
19 years ago
Okay, I'm stupid. I had the <Host> configured wrong inside my server.xml file. It's working fine now. I wasn't fully understanding how the hosts were working.
19 years ago
I'm running Tomcat 5.5.7 and Apache 2.0.53. I have 3 domain names configured using virtual hosts inside Apache, they all point to the same static IP address. I'm trying to configure Tomcat to have 3 virtual hosts which correspond to these domain names, however, no matter what domain name I look at it will have access to each of the other hosts contexts. I'm trying to fix this so that I can deploy apps specific to these hosts but cannot figure out how to properly do this. I've been reading over the documentation but haven't figured out the proper way to make each host only visible to itself and not any of the other virtual hosts.
19 years ago
I must admit after rereading his post he was trying to do something else. I misread. Sorry!
19 years ago
I know exactly what he's talking about. He wants his servlets to automagically reload when he changes them and he doesn't want to restart the server because that is not intuitive and not something that seems logical. I got tripped up on this when I started and I just couldn't figure out why Tomcat wouldn't reload my web app by default.

Would I restart apache everytime I change a php script? I think not.

The way you have to do this is to set up a context for your web application then set it's reloadable property to true. I won't tell you exactly how to do this because I am also starting out and I don't want to tell you the wrong way to go about it and there are many tutorials on which describe how to do this.

I also beleive that <DefaultContext reloadable="True"> inside conf/web.xml will also do it but don't quote me on it.

Check this out:

There is an entire free JSP/Servlet book for download. I have been reading through this and it's given me the exact information I needed to understand what the hell this server side java stuff is all about. I suggest you also read this. It's worth the price of free!!!
[ February 21, 2005: Message edited by: Frank Hale ]
19 years ago
I'm running Crux and have for a about 3 years now... It's slim, fast and beautiful!

Get it or die
19 years ago
Yeah I have JDK 1.5.0_01 installed and Tomcat 5.5.7, they are there as expected. Could he have downloaded the JRE and mistaken it for the JDK?
19 years ago
He said the permissions on the file were fine which leads me to think that the binary may be corrupt or he is simply trying to execute a file that isn't meant to be executed. I'd go back and recheck everything, just to be sure.
19 years ago
Maybe the file was corrupted during download. See if the website provides an md5sum of the file and then check the md5sum of your download to see if they match.
19 years ago
Here's a tip. If you need additional Java references you may wish to download this free book:
Thinking In Java 3rd Edition
I've only read through the first 4 chapters but its a really good book. And who can pass up free???
Have fun!!!
21 years ago
Its probably a matter of preference when to use it. However its extremely useful when adding listeners to Swing components. Thats where I've seen it used extensively.
21 years ago
You could also do this:
21 years ago